OpenAPI Directory | Velosimo Admin

BBC Nitro is the BBC's application programming interface (API) for BBC Programmes Metadata.

BC Laws is an electronic library providing free public access to the laws of British Columbia. BC Laws is hosted by the Queen's Printer of British Columbia and published in partnership with the Ministry of Justice and the Law Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.BC Laws contains a comprehensive collection of BC legislation and related materials. It is available on the internet in two forms:First: The library is available as a web site in which users can browse and search the laws of British Columbia.Second: The library is available as a portal to legislation in raw XML data format, accessible via the BC Laws API2. This direct access to raw data is intended to enable third parties to build or add their own custom applications based on the structure of the data and all the associated search functionality inherent in that structure. The BC Laws website itself is an example of one such application. Please note that you may experience issues when submitting requests to the delivery or test environment if using this [OpenAPI specification](https://github.com/bcgov/api-specs) in other API console viewers.


API to receive streamed updates. This is an ssl socket connection of CRLF delimited json messages (see RequestMessage & ResponseMessage)

BigDataCloud's IP Geolocation API returns detailed information about the geographical location, ownership and connectivity of the provided IPv4 IP address. This API is powered by patent-pending ‘Next Generation IP Geolocation Technology'. As a result, the API has sub-millisecond response time. You can authenticate the API with the use of API keys provided in your BigDataCloud account. BigDataCloud provides 10K Free queries per month. You can upgrade your package with $2/month per 10K additional queries. The API has Unprecedented Update Rate - Geolocation data re-evaluated every 2 hours or at least once a day - BGP data updated every 2 hours - Registry data updated at least once a day - Country object data usually updates at least once in a month You can learn more about the API at [bigdatacloud.com](https://www.bigdatacloud.com/ip-geolocation-apis).

This is an API for accessing information about bicycling related incidents. You can find the source code on GitHub.

Code against the Bitbucket API to automate simple tasks, embed Bitbucket data into your own site, build mobile or desktop apps, or even add custom UI add-ons into Bitbucket itself using the Connect framework.

Live API Documentation

Containers are virtual software objects that include all the elements that an app needs to run. A container has the benefits of resource isolation and allocation but is more portable and efficient than, for example, a virtual machine. This documentation describes the IBM Containers API, which is based on the Docker Remote API. The API provides endpoints that you can use to create and manage your single containers and container groups in Bluemix. Endpoints are summarized under the following tags: - **Authentication**: Retrieve and refresh your TLS certificates. - **Private Docker images registry**: Create your own private Docker images registry in Bluemix by setting a namespace for your organization. - **Images**: View, build, and push your images to your private Bluemix registry so you can use them with IBM Containers. You can also scan your container images with the Vulnerability Advisor against standard policies set by the organization manager and a database of known Ubuntu issues. - **Single Containers**: Create and manage single containers in Bluemix. Use a single container to implement short-lived processes or to run simple tests as you develop an app or service. To make your single container available from the internet, review the `Public IP addresses` endpoints. - **Container Groups**: Create and manage your container groups in Bluemix. A container group consists of multiple single containers that are all created from the same container image and as a consequence are configured in the same way. Container groups offer further options at no cost to make your app highly available. These options include in-built load balancing, auto-recovery of unhealthy container instances, and auto-scaling of container instances based on CPU and memory usage. Map a public route to your container group to make your app accessible from the internet. - **Public IP addresses**: Use these endpoints to request public IP addresses for your space. You can bind this IP address to your container to make your container accessible from the internet. - **File shares**: Create, list and delete file shares in a space. A file share is a NFS storage system that hosts Docker volumes. - **Volumes**: Create and manage container volumes in your space to persist the data of your containers. Each API request requires an HTTP header that includes the 'X-Auth-Token’ and 'X-Auth-Project-Id’ parameter. - **X-Auth-Token**: The JSON web token (JWT) that you receive when logging into the Bluemix platform. It allows you to use the IBM Containers REST API, access services, and resources. Run `cf oauth-token` to retrieve your access token information. - **X-Auth-Project-Id**: The unique ID of your organization space where you want to create or work with your containers. Run `cf space --guid`, where `` is the name of your space, to retrieve your space ID. For further information about how containers work in the IBM Containers service, review the documentation under https://new-console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/containers/container_index.html.

Botify Saas API

# Braze API Overview Braze provides a high performance REST API to allow you to track users, send messages, export data, and more. A REST API is a way to programmatically transfer information over the web using a predefined schema. Braze has created many different endpoints with specific requirements that will perform various actions and/or return various data. API access is done using HTTPS web requests to your company's REST API endpoint (this will correspond to your Dashboard URL as shown in the table below). Customers using Braze's EU database should use `https://rest.fra-01.braze.eu/`. For more information on REST API endpoints for customers using Braze's EU database see our [EU/US Implementation Differences documentation](https://www.braze.com/docs/developer_guide/eu01_us3_sdk_implementation_differences/overview/). ## Braze Instances Instance | Dashboard URL | REST Endpoint ----------- |---------------- | -------------------- US-01 | `https://dashboard.braze.com` or
`https://dashboard-01.braze.com` | `https://rest.iad-01.braze.com` US-02 | `https://dashboard-02.braze.com` | `https://rest.iad-02.braze.com` US-03 | `https://dashboard-03.braze.com` | `https://rest.iad-03.braze.com` US-04 | `https://dashboard-04.braze.com` | `https://rest.iad-04.braze.com` US-06 | `https://dashboard-06.braze.com` | `https://rest.iad-06.braze.com` EU-01 | `https://dashboard.braze.eu` or
`https://dashboard-01.braze.eu` | `https://rest.fra-01.braze.eu` # Using Braze's Postman Collection If you have a Postman account (MacOS, Windows, and Linux versions can be downloaded from their website located [here](https://www.getpostman.com)), you can go to our Postman documentation and click the orange `Run in Postman` button in the top, right corner. This will allow you to [create an environment](#setting-up-your-postman-environment), as well as edit the available `POST` and `GET` requests to suit your own needs. ## Setting Up Your Postman Environment The Braze Postman Collection uses a templating variable, `{{instance_url}}`, to substitute the REST API URL of your Braze instance into the pre-built requests. Rather than having to manually edit all requests in the Collection, you can set up this variable in your Postman environment. To do so, please follow the steps below: 1. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the Postman app. 2. Select "Manage Environments" to open a modal window which displays your active environments. 3. In the bottom right corner of the modal window, click "Add" to create a new environment. 4. Give this environment a name (e.g. "Braze API Requests") and add keys for `instance_url` and `api_key` with values corresponding to [your Braze instance](https://www.braze.com/docs/api/basics/#endpoints) and [Braze REST API Key](https://www.braze.com/docs/api/basics/#app-group-rest-api-keys), as pictured below. As of April, 2020 Braze has changed how we read App Group API keys. Instead of passing them in the request body or through url parameters, we now read the App Group Rest`api_key` through the HTTP Authorization header. API keys not passed through the HTTP Authorization Header will coninue to work until they have been sunset. ## Using the Pre-Built Requests from the Collection Once you have configured your environment. You can use any of the pre-built requests in the collection as a template for building new API requests. To start using one of the pre-built requests, simply click on it within the 'Collections' menu on the left side of Postman. This will open the request as a new tab in the main window of the Postman app. In general, there are two types of requests that Braze's API endpoints accept - `GET` and `POST`. Depending on which `HTTP` method the endpoint uses, you'll need to edit the pre-built request differently. ### Edit a POST Request When editing a `POST` request, you'll need to open the request and navigate to the `Body` section in the request editor. For readability, select the `raw` radio button to format the `JSON` request body. ### Edit a GET Request When editing a `GET` request, you will need to edit the parameters passed in the request URL. To edit these easily, select the `Params` button next to the URL bar and edit the key-value pairs in the fields that will appear below the URL bar. ## Send Your Request Once your API request is ready to send, click on the 'Send' button next to the URL bar. The request will be sent and the response data will be populated in a section underneath the request editor. From here, you can view the raw data returned from Braze's API, see the HTTP response code, see how long the request took to process, and view header information.

An Orchestration Layer that takes ISL services and packages them in a more targeted way for front-end applications. This in turn makes client integration easier and reduces the complexity and size of front-end applications. Rocket is also customisable - allowing UI engineers to ‘remix’ the existing back-end services into something that best suits the application they are developing.

Take screenshots of any website in real time

Social media management for marketers and agencies

## Overview The JSON REST API allows you to submit and receive [BulkSMS](https://www.bulksms.com/) messages. You can also get access to past messages and see your account profile. The base URL to use for this service is `https://api.bulksms.com/v1`. The base URL cannot be used on its own; you must append a path that identifies an operation and you may have to specify some path parameters as well. [Click here](/developer/) to go to the main BulkSMS developer site. In order to give you an idea on how the API can be used, some JSON snippets are provided below. Have a look at the [messages section](#tag/Message) for more information. Probably the most simple example ``` { "to": "+27001234567", "body": "Hello World!" } ``` You can send unicode automatically using the `auto-unicode` query parameter. Alternatively, you can specify `UNICODE` for the `encoding` property in the request body. Please note: when `auto-unicode` is specified and the value of the `encoding` property is `UNICODE`, the message will always be sent as `UNICODE`. Here is an example that sets the `encoding` explicitly ``` { "to": "+27001234567", "body": "Dobrá práce! Jak se máš?", "encoding": "UNICODE" } ``` You can also specify a from number ``` { "from": "+27007654321", "to": "+27001234567", "body": "Hello World!" } ``` Similar to above, but repliable ``` { "from": { "type": "REPLIABLE" }, "to": "+27001234567", "body": "Hello World!" } ``` A message to a group called Everyone ``` { "to": { "type": "GROUP", "name": "Everyone" }, "body": "Hello World!" } ``` A message to multiple recipients ``` { "to": ["+27001234567", "+27002345678", "+27003456789"], "body": "Happy Holidays!" } ``` Sending more than one message in the same request ``` [ { "to": "+27001234567", "body": "Hello World!" }, { "to": "+27002345678", "body": "Hello Universe!" } ] ``` **The insecure base URL `http://api.bulksms.com/v1` is deprecated** and may in future result in a `301` redirect response, or insecure requests may be rejected outright. Please use the secure (`https`) URI above. ### HTTP Content Type All API methods expect requests to supply a `Content-Type` header with the value `application/json`. All responses will have the `Content-Type` header set to `application/json`. ### JSON Formatting You are advised to format your JSON resources according to strict JSON format rules. While the API does attempt to parse strictly invalid JSON documents, doing so may lead to incorrect interpretation and unexpected results. Good JSON libraries will produce valid JSON suitable for submission, but if you are manually generating the JSON text, be careful to follow the JSON format. This include correct escaping of control characters and double quoting of property names. See the [JSON specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4627) for further information. ### Date Formatting Dates are formatted according to ISO-8601, such as `1970-01-01T10:00:00+01:00` for 1st January 1970, 10AM UTC+1. See the [Wikipedia ISO 8601 reference](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) for further information. Specifically, calendar dates are formatted with the 'extended' format `YYYY-MM-DD`. Basic format, week dates and ordinal dates are not supported. Times are also formatted in the 'extended' format `hh:mm:ss`. Hours, minutes and seconds are mandatory. Offset from UTC must be provided; this is to ensure that there is no misunderstanding regarding times provided to the API. The format we look for is `yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss[Z|[+-]hh:mm]` Examples of valid date/times are`2011-12-31T12:00:00Z` `2011-12-31T12:00:00+02:00` ### Entity Format Modifications It is expected that over time some changes will be made to the request and response formats of various methods available in the API. Where possible, these will be implemented in a backwards compatible way. To make this possible you are required to ignore unknown properties. This enables the addition of information in response documents while maintaining compatibility with older clients. ### Optional Request Entity Properties There are many instances where requests can be made without having to specify every single property allowable in the request format. Any such optional properties are noted as such in the documentation and their default value is noted.

This is the API for the COVID-19 Contact Tracing QRCode Signin Server

API for blocking phone calls with Call Control. Data is from crowdsourced community blacklist from 12+ million users and government agencies (FTC, FCC, IRS) Try with api_key 'demo', hit explore above, and then try phone numbers 18008472911,13157244022,17275567300,18008276655,12061231234.


Natural language nutrition API to extract nutrition data from any text.

1156 api specs