OpenAPI Directory | Velosimo Admin

The Registry service allows teams to manage descriptions of APIs.

Transform API Descriptions from/to various formats

Wikipedia for Web APIs. Repository of API definitions in OpenAPI format. **Warning**: If you want to be notified about changes in advance please join our [Slack channel](https://join.slack.com/t/mermade/shared_invite/zt-g78g7xir-MLE_CTCcXCdfJfG3CJe9qA). Client sample: [[Demo]](https://apis.guru/simple-ui) [[Repo]](https://github.com/APIs-guru/simple-ui)

Domain API (WHOIS, Check, Batch)

Microsoft Visual Studio App Center API

Apptigent PowerTools Developer Edition is a powerful suite of API endpoints for custom applications running on any stack. Manipulate text, modify collections, format dates and times, convert currency, perform advanced mathematical calculations, shorten URL's, encode strings, convert text to speech, translate content into multiple languages, process images, and more. PowerTools is the ultimate developer toolkit.

AppVeyor is a hosted continuous integration service which runs on Microsoft Windows. The AppVeyor REST API provides a RESTful way to interact with the AppVeyor service. This includes managing projects, builds, deployments, and the teams that build them. Additional help and discussion of the AppVeyor REST API is available at http://help.appveyor.com/discussions This Swagger definition is an **unofficial** description of the AppVeyor REST API maintained at https://github.com/kevinoid/appveyor-swagger Please report any issues or suggestions for this Swagger definition at https://github.com/kevinoid/appveyor-swagger/issues/new #### API Conventions Fields which are missing from update operations (`PUT` requests) are typically reset to their default values. So although most fields are not technically required, they should usually be specified in practice.

Appwrite backend as a service cuts up to 70% of the time and costs required for building a modern application. We abstract and simplify common development tasks behind a REST APIs, to help you develop your app in a fast and secure way. For full API documentation and tutorials go to [https://appwrite.io/docs](https://appwrite.io/docs)

Appwrite backend as a service cuts up to 70% of the time and costs required for building a modern application. We abstract and simplify common development tasks behind a REST APIs, to help you develop your app in a fast and secure way. For full API documentation and tutorials go to [https://appwrite.io/docs](https://appwrite.io/docs)

This is the interface for interacting with the [Asana Platform](https://developers.asana.com). Our API reference is generated from our [OpenAPI spec] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Asana/developer-docs/master/defs/asana_oas.yaml).

Jira Cloud platform REST API documentation

Code against the Bitbucket API to automate simple tasks, embed Bitbucket data into your own site, build mobile or desktop apps, or even add custom UI add-ons into Bitbucket itself using the Connect framework.

Live API Documentation

Containers are virtual software objects that include all the elements that an app needs to run. A container has the benefits of resource isolation and allocation but is more portable and efficient than, for example, a virtual machine. This documentation describes the IBM Containers API, which is based on the Docker Remote API. The API provides endpoints that you can use to create and manage your single containers and container groups in Bluemix. Endpoints are summarized under the following tags: - **Authentication**: Retrieve and refresh your TLS certificates. - **Private Docker images registry**: Create your own private Docker images registry in Bluemix by setting a namespace for your organization. - **Images**: View, build, and push your images to your private Bluemix registry so you can use them with IBM Containers. You can also scan your container images with the Vulnerability Advisor against standard policies set by the organization manager and a database of known Ubuntu issues. - **Single Containers**: Create and manage single containers in Bluemix. Use a single container to implement short-lived processes or to run simple tests as you develop an app or service. To make your single container available from the internet, review the `Public IP addresses` endpoints. - **Container Groups**: Create and manage your container groups in Bluemix. A container group consists of multiple single containers that are all created from the same container image and as a consequence are configured in the same way. Container groups offer further options at no cost to make your app highly available. These options include in-built load balancing, auto-recovery of unhealthy container instances, and auto-scaling of container instances based on CPU and memory usage. Map a public route to your container group to make your app accessible from the internet. - **Public IP addresses**: Use these endpoints to request public IP addresses for your space. You can bind this IP address to your container to make your container accessible from the internet. - **File shares**: Create, list and delete file shares in a space. A file share is a NFS storage system that hosts Docker volumes. - **Volumes**: Create and manage container volumes in your space to persist the data of your containers. Each API request requires an HTTP header that includes the 'X-Auth-Token’ and 'X-Auth-Project-Id’ parameter. - **X-Auth-Token**: The JSON web token (JWT) that you receive when logging into the Bluemix platform. It allows you to use the IBM Containers REST API, access services, and resources. Run `cf oauth-token` to retrieve your access token information. - **X-Auth-Project-Id**: The unique ID of your organization space where you want to create or work with your containers. Run `cf space --guid`, where `` is the name of your space, to retrieve your space ID. For further information about how containers work in the IBM Containers service, review the documentation under https://new-console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/containers/container_index.html.

The CircleCI API is a RESTful, fully-featured API that allows you to do almost anything in CircleCI. You can access all information and trigger all actions. The only thing we don’t provide access to is billing functions, which must be done from the CircleCI web UI.

Manage your Hosted CodeScan Service

OpenAPI for https://codesearch.debian.net/

An API that provides names for colors based on their hex value

**Base API URL**: https://api.configcat.com If you prefer the swagger documentation, you can find it here: [Swagger UI](https://api.configcat.com/swagger). The purpose of this API is to access the ConfigCat platform programmatically. You can **Create**, **Read**, **Update** and **Delete** any entities like **Feature Flags, Configs, Environments** or **Products** within ConfigCat. The API is based on HTTP REST, uses resource-oriented URLs, status codes and supports JSON and JSON+HAL format. Do not use this API for accessing and evaluating feature flag values. Use the [SDKs instead](https://configcat.com/docs/sdk-reference/overview). # OpenAPI Specification The complete specification is publicly available here: [swagger.json](v1/swagger.json). You can use it to generate client libraries in various languages with [OpenAPI Generator](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator) or [Swagger Codegen](https://swagger.io/tools/swagger-codegen/) to interact with this API. # Authentication This API uses the [Basic HTTP Authentication Scheme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication). # Throttling and rate limits All the rate limited API calls are returning information about the current rate limit period in the following HTTP headers: | Header | Description | | :- | :- | | X-Rate-Limit-Remaining | The maximum number of requests remaining in the current rate limit period. | | X-Rate-Limit-Reset | The time when the current rate limit period resets. | When the rate limit is exceeded by a request, the API returns with a `HTTP 429 - Too many requests` status along with a `Retry-After` HTTP header.

166 api specs