OpenAPI Directory | Velosimo Admin

Azure Event Hubs client

Azure Event Hubs client for managing Event Hubs Cluster, IPFilter Rules and VirtualNetworkRules resources.

Use these APIs to manage Azure Front Door resources through the Azure Resource Manager. You must make sure that requests made to these resources are secure.

These are the Network Experiment APIs.

APIs to manage web application firewall rules.

The SAP HANA on Azure Management Client.

The Azure management API provides a RESTful set of web services that interact with Azure Dedicated HSM RP.

The HDInsight Management Client.

The HDInsight Management Client.

The HDInsight Management Client.

The HDInsight Management Client.

The HDInsight Management Client.

The HDInsight Job Client.

The HDInsight Management Client.

The HDInsight Management Client.

The HDInsight Management Client.

Use this API to manage Microsoft HealthcareApis services in your Azure subscription.

The Hybrid Compute Management Client.

955 api specs