OpenAPI Directory | Velosimo Admin

Online payment fraud detection service. It helps merchants to minimize chargebacks and therefore maximize the revenue. It can be used to detect fraud for various kinds of payment method, such as credit card, paypal, cod and so on. Please visit https://www.fraudlabspro.com to learn more.

Send an SMS with verification code and a custom message for authentication purpose. It helps merchants to minimize chargebacks and fraud for various kinds of payment method, such as credit card, paypal, cod and so on. Please visit https://www.fraudlabspro.com to learn more.

Welcome to our current iteration of our REST API. While we encourage you to upgrade to v2.0 we will continue support for our [SOAP API](https://github.com/fulfillment/soap-integration). # Versioning The Fulfillment.com (FDC) REST API is version controlled and backwards compatible. We have many future APIs scheduled for publication within our v2.0 spec so please be prepared for us to add data nodes in our responses, however, we will not remove knowledge from previously published APIs. #### A Current Response ```javascript { id: 123 } ``` #### A Potential Future Response ```javascript { id: 123, reason: "More Knowledge" } ``` # Getting Started We use OAuth v2.0 to authenticate clients, you can choose [implicit](https://oauth.net/2/grant-types/implicit/) or [password](https://oauth.net/2/grant-types/password/) grant type. To obtain an OAuth `client_id` and `client_secret` contact your account executive. **Tip**: Generate an additional login and use those credentials for your integration so that changes are accredited to that "user". You are now ready to make requests to our other APIs by filling your `Authorization` header with `Bearer {access_token}`. ## Perpetuating Access Perpetuating access to FDC without storing your password locally can be achieved using the `refresh_token` returned by [POST /oauth/access_token](#operation/generateToken). A simple concept to achieve this is outlined below. 1. Your application/script will ask you for your `username` and `password`, your `client_id` and `client_secret` will be accessible via a DB or ENV. 2. [Request an access_token](#operation/generateToken) + Your function should be capable of formatting your request for both a `grant_type` of \"password\" (step 1) and \"refresh_token\" (step 4). 3. Store the `access_token` and `refresh_token` so future requests can skip step 1 4. When the `access_token` expires request anew using your `refresh_token`, replace both tokens in local storage. + If this fails you will have to revert to step 1. Alternatively if you choose for your application/script to have access to your `username` and `password` you can skip step 4. In all scenarios we recommend storing all credentials outside your codebase. ## Date Time Definitions We will report all date-time stamps using the [ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) standard. When using listing API's where fromDate and toDate are available note that both dates are inclusive while requiring the fromDate to be before or at the toDate. ### The Fulfillment Process Many steps are required to fulfill your order we report back to you three fundamental milestones inside the orders model. * `recordedOn` When we received your order. This will never change. * `dispatchDate` When the current iteration of your order was scheduled for fulfillment. This may change however it is an indicator that the physical process of fulfillment has begun and a tracking number has been **assigned** to your order. The tracking number **MAY CHANGE**. You will not be able to cancel an order once it has been dispatched. If you need to recall an order that has been dispatched please contact your account executive. * `departDate` When we recorded your order passing our final inspection and placed with the carrier. At this point it is **safe to inform the consignee** of the tracking number as it will not change. ## Evaluating Error Responses We currently return two different error models, with and without context. All errors will include a `message` node while errors with `context` will include additional information designed to save you time when encountering highly probable errors. For example, when you send us a request to create a duplicate order, we will reject your request and the context will include the FDC order `id` so that you may record it for your records. ### Without Context New order with missing required fields. | Header | Response | | ------ | -------- | | Status | `400 Bad Request` | ```javascript { "message": "Invalid request body" } ``` ### With Context New order with duplicate `merchantOrderId`. | Header | Response | | ------ | -------- | | Status | `409 Conflict` | ```javascript { "message": "Duplicate Order", "context": { "id": 123 } } ``` ## Status Codes Codes are a concatenation of State, Stage, and Detail. `^([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$` | Code | State | Stage | Detail | | ---- | ------------------ | -------- | -------------- | | 010101 | Processing Order | Recieved | Customer Order | | 010102 | Processing Order | Recieved | Recieved | | 010201 | Processing Order | Approved | | | 010301 | Processing Order | Hold | Merchant Stock | | 010302 | Processing Order | Hold | Merchant Funds | | 010303 | Processing Order | Hold | For Merchant | | 010304 | Processing Order | Hold | Oversized Shipment | | 010305 | Processing Order | Hold | Invalid Parent Order | | 010306 | Processing Order | Hold | Invalid Address | | 010307 | Processing Order | Hold | By Admin | | 010401 | Processing Order | Address Problem | Incomplete Address | | 010402 | Processing Order | Address Problem | Invalid Locality | | 010403 | Processing Order | Address Problem | Invalid Region | | 010404 | Processing Order | Address Problem | Address Not Found | | 010405 | Processing Order | Address Problem | Many Addresses Found | | 010406 | Processing Order | Address Problem | Invalid Postal Code | | 010407 | Processing Order | Address Problem | Country Not Mapped | | 010408 | Processing Order | Address Problem | Invalid Recipient Name | | 010409 | Processing Order | Address Problem | Bad UK Address | | 010410 | Processing Order | Address Problem | Invalid Address Line 1 or 2 | | 010501 | Processing Order | Sku Problem | Invalid SKU | | 010501 | Processing Order | Sku Problem | Child Order has Invalid SKUs | | 010601 | Processing Order | Facility Problem | Facility Not Mapped | | 010701 | Processing Order | Ship Method Problem | Unmapped Ship Method | | 010702 | Processing Order | Ship Method Problem | Unmapped Ship Cost | | 010703 | Processing Order | Ship Method Problem | Missing Ship Method | | 010704 | Processing Order | Ship Method Problem | Invalid Ship Method | | 010705 | Processing Order | Ship Method Problem | Order Weight Outside of Ship Method Weight | | 010801 | Processing Order | Inventory Problem | Insufficient Inventory In Facility | | 010802 | Processing Order | Inventory Problem | Issue Encountered During Inventory Adjustment | | 010901 | Processing Order | Released To WMS | Released | | 020101 | Fulfillment In Progress | Postage Problem | Address Issue | | 020102 | Fulfillment In Progress | Postage Problem | Postage OK, OMS Issue Occurred | | 020103 | Fulfillment In Progress | Postage Problem | Postage Void Failed | | 020201 | Fulfillment In Progress | Postage Acquired | | | 020301 | Fulfillment In Progress | Postage Voided | Postage Void Failed Gracefully | | 020301 | Fulfillment In Progress | Hold | Departure Hold Requested | | 020401 | Fulfillment In Progress | 4PL Processing | | | 020501 | Fulfillment In Progress | 4PL Problem | Order is Proccessable, Postage Issue Occurred | | 020601 | Fulfillment In Progress | Label Printed | | | 020701 | Fulfillment In Progress | Shipment Cubed | | | 020801 | Fulfillment In Progress | Picking Inventory | | | 020901 | Fulfillment In Progress | Label Print Verified | | | 021001 | Fulfillment In Progress | Passed Final Inspection | | | 030101 | Shipped | Fulfilled By 4PL | | | 030102 | Shipped | Fulfilled By 4PL | Successfully Fulfilled, OMS Encountered Issue During Processing | | 030201 | Shipped | Fulfilled By FDC | | | 040101 | Returned | Returned | | | 050101 | Cancelled | Cancelled | | | 060101 | Test | Test | Test |

Add room selling to your app with ease, or expand your existing hotel portfolio. Access all the marketing material you need to sell a room, from hotel amenities to images. Constantly updated, ever expanding and always correct. Impala allows you to start selling hotel rooms and earn a commission with every booking in hours. Getting started is easy: > **1. Sign-up within seconds**: Head to the [Impala website](https://impala.travel), enter your details and receive your sandbox API key immediately (no credit card needed). > **2. Start building within minutes**: Build against a sandbox API with realistic test data. Use a [step-by-step walkthrough](https://impala.travel) to see what's possible. Check for available hotels and their rates. Make and manage fake bookings without any risk. Add room booking to your existing website or app, or start an online travel agency from scratch. [![Run in Postman](https://run.pstmn.io/button.svg)](https://god.gw.postman.com/run-collection/11303451-9b241872-9961-424d-9ef4-9d949534567d?action=collection%2Ffork&collection-url=entityId%3D11303451-9b241872-9961-424d-9ef4-9d949534567d%26entityType%3Dcollection%26workspaceId%3D5ae55f12-332c-4e7d-8acc-3e75df3b2ee2) > **3. Go live within hours**: Once your app or integration is ready for prime time, move to production within your Impala dashboard and start making real hotel bookings for your customers right away. Want to see how it all works? Watch [a 5-minute walkthrough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B3evCL3nrY) of the two API requests you need to make a booking, and a demo of one of our customer's apps.

This is the documentation for PIM Micro services. In order to use this tool you need to have Basic Auth credentials and a client id. If you dont have one, please make sure to request one by sending an email to the PIM MS team: [pim.360.team@intel.com](mailto:pim.360.team@intel.com?subject=PIMServices)

The Product Library API is used for managing merchant's product information and product images.

# Endpoint Structure All URLs are in the format: ```text https://api.jumpseller.com/v1/path.json?login=XXXXXX&authtoken=storetoken ``` The path is prefixed by the API version and the URL takes as parameters the login (your store specific API login) and your authentication token.

*** # Version The current version of the API is **v1**. If we change the API in backward-incompatible ways, we'll increase the version number and maintain stable support for the old urls.

*** # Authentication The API uses a token-based authentication with a combination of a login key and an auth token. **Both parameters can be found on the left sidebar of the Account section, accessed from the main menu of your Admin Panel**. The auth token of the user can be reset on the same page. ![Store Login](/images/support/api/apilogin.png) The auth token is a **32 characters** string. If you are developing a Jumpseller App, the authentication should be done using [OAuth-2](/support/oauth-2). Please read the article [Build an App](/support/apps) for more information.

*** # Curl Examples To request all the products at your store, you would append the products index path to the base url to create an URL with the format: ```text https://api.jumpseller.com/v1/products.json?login=XXXXXX&authtoken=XXXXX ``` In curl, you can invoque that URL with: ```text curl -X GET "https://api.jumpseller.com/v1/products.json?login=XXXXXX&authtoken=XXXXX" ``` To create a product, you will include the JSON data and specify the MIME Type: ```text curl -X POST -d '{ "product" : {"name": "My new Product!", "price": 100} }' "https://api.jumpseller.com/v1/products.json?login=XXXXXX&authtoken=XXXXX" -H "Content-Type:application/json" ``` and to update the product identified with 123: ```text curl -X PUT -d '{ "product" : {"name": "My updated Product!", "price": 99} }' "https://api.jumpseller.com/v1/products/123.json?login=XXXXXX&authtoken=XXXXX" -H "Content-Type:application/json" ``` or delete it: ```text curl -X DELETE "https://api.jumpseller.com/v1/products/123.json?login=XXXXXX&authtoken=XXXXX" -H "Content-Type:application/json" ```

*** # PHP Examples Create a new Product (POST method) ```php $url = 'https://api.jumpseller.com/v1/products.json?login=XXXXX&authtoken=XXXXX; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json')); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); //post method curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, '{ "product" : {"name": "My updated Product!", "price": 99} }'); $result = curl_exec($ch); print_r($result); curl_close($ch); ```

*** # Plain JSON only. No XML. * We only support JSON for data serialization. * Our node format has no root element. * We use snake_case to describe attribute keys (like "created_at"). * All empty value are replaced with **null** strings. * All API URLs end in .json to indicate that they accept and return JSON. * POST and PUT methods require you to explicitly state the MIME type of your request's body content as **"application/json"**.

*** # Rate Limit You can perform a maximum of: + 240 (two hundred forty) requests per minute and + 8 (eight) requests per second If you exceed this limit, you'll get a 403 Forbidden (Rate Limit Exceeded) response for subsequent requests. The rate limits apply by IP address and by store. This means that multiple requests on different stores are not counted towards the same rate limit. This limits are necessary to ensure resources are correctly used. Your application should be aware of this limits and retry any unsuccessful request, check the following Ruby stub: ```ruby tries = 0; max_tries = 3; begin HTTParty.send(method, uri) # perform an API call. sleep 0.5 tries += 1 rescue unless tries >= max_tries sleep 1.0 # wait the necessary time before retrying the call again. retry end end ``` Finally, you can review the Response Headers of each request: ```text Jumpseller-PerMinuteRateLimit-Limit: 60 Jumpseller-PerMinuteRateLimit-Remaining: 59 # requests available on the per-second interval Jumpseller-PerSecondRateLimit-Limit: 2 Jumpseller-PerSecondRateLimit-Remaining: 1 # requests available on the per-second interval ``` to better model your application requests intervals. In the event of getting your IP banned, the Response Header `Jumpseller-BannedByRateLimit-Reset` informs you the time when will your ban be reseted.

*** # Pagination By default we will return 50 objects (products, orders, etc) per page. There is a maximum of 100, using a query string `&limit=100`. If the result set gets paginated it is your responsibility to check the next page for more objects -- you do this by using query strings `&page=2`, `&page=3` and so on. ```text https://api.jumpseller.com/v1/products.json?login=XXXXXX&authtoken=XXXXX&page=3&limit=100 ```

*** # More * [Jumpseller API wrapper](https://gitlab.com/jumpseller-api/ruby) provides a public Ruby abstraction over our API; * [Apps Page](/apps) showcases external integrations with Jumpseller done by technical experts; * [Imgbb API](https://api.imgbb.com/) provides an easy way to upload and temporaly host for images and files.


# Just Eat API Just Eat offers services for our various business partners and our consumer applications. How you interact with the API depends on the services you wish to interact with. ## Security ### HTTPS All api calls and callbacks require HTTPS. Your service will need a valid SSL certificate and be accessible via the standard SSL port (port 443). ## Making an API request Some API calls require an API key, to authenticate the partner calling the API. ``` PUT https://uk-partnerapi.just-eat.io/orders/abcd1234 HTTP/1.1 Authorization: JE-API-KEY abcd123456789 ``` Other calls require a user token in the form of a JWT. ``` GET https://uk.api.just-eat.io/consumer/me/orders/uk HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer abcd123456789 ``` ## Date Formats ### Date and time formats All dates and times should use the [ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and times](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601). #### For instance: * DueDateWithUtcOffset: `"2015-05-26T14:52:35.5444292+01:00"` - Local time: `14:52` - UTC time: `13:52` - UTC offset: `+1hr` (due to daylight time saving) * DueDateWithUtcOffset: `"2015-02-03T11:10:00.0000000+00:00"` - Local time: `11:10` - UTC time: `11:10` - UTC offset: `0` (no daylight time saving, local time is equivalent to UTC) Note that the offset may be for a timezone different to your own, so you should alway convert to your own local time for display purposes (e.g. on receipts and terminals). ### Callback timestamps Timestamps sent to Just Eat should be recorded as the current local time (including any changes needed to account for daylight saving) with an accompanying offset that shows the difference between the recorded local time and the current UTC time. If it is not possible to record timestamps in local time, timestamps may be recorded in UTC time with a 00:00 offset. ## Async Webhooks Some of the webhooks on the platform are configured as being 'async' webhooks. These are for long-running operations, and work as follows: 1. Your webhook is invoked with a `?callback={returnUrl}` query string parameter. The `returnUrl` is a unique URL that you will need to send the async response to. 2. Return an immediate `202 Accepted` response from the webhook endpoint, to indicate that you have received the request. 3. Perform the long-running operation. This can be deemed either a _success_; or a _failure_. 4. If the result is a _**success**_, return the following: ``` POST {returnUrl} HTTP/1.1 { "status": "Success", "message": "{successMessage}", "data": {} // webhook-specific response object } ``` 5. Otherwise, if the result is a _**failure**_, return the following: ``` POST {returnUrl} HTTP/1.1 { "status": "Failure", "message": "{failureMessage}", "data": {} // webhook-specific response object } ```

This is the koomalooma Partner API. koomalooma is the first Loyalty BPaaS (Business Process as a Service) for mobile and web companies. With koomalooma merchants issue points for actions their customers / users make on your mobile or web store, for example a purchase or a referral. koomalooma takes care of all the rest, from signing up users, keeping track of points and delivering rewards in over 80 countries. koomalooma offers an easy to integrate API and web backend to configure loyalty campaigns and track performance. You can find more at http://support.koomalooma.com

Magento Commerce is the leading provider of open omnichannel innovation.

Provides a RESTful API for interacting with virtual cash registers and creating receipts that are conform with the Registrierkassensicherheitsverordnung (RKSV). You may find our [automatically generated clients](./clients) for various programming languages and environments helpful...

papinet API is a global initiative for the Forst and Paper supply chain.

## Who is this for? This documentation is for developers creating their own integration with [Feedback's](https://www.pendo.io/product/feedback/) API. If you are doing a standard integration, there's a really easy [Javascript integration](https://help.receptive.io/hc/en-us/articles/209221969-How-to-integrate-Receptive-with-your-app) that you should know about before you go to the effort of building your own integration. ## Authentication API calls generally need to be authenticated. Generate an API Key at https://feedback.pendo.io/app/#/vendor/settings?section=integrate. This key should then be added to every request as a request header named 'auth-token' (preferred), or as a query parameter named 'auth-token'. ## Endpoint API endpoint is https://api.feedback.eu.pendo.io / https://api.feedback.us.pendo.io depending where your datacenter is located. ## Notes API endpoints are being added to this documentation as needed by customers. If you don't see an endpoint you need please contact support and if it exists we'll publish the docs here. The 'try it out' feature on this documentation page will probably be blocked by your browser because the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header has its value set by the Feedback server depending on your hostname. ## Generating client code This documentation is automatically generated from an OpenAPI spec available [here](http://apidoc.receptive.io/receptive.swagger.json). You can use Swagger to auto-generate API client code in many languages using the [Swagger Editor](http://editor.swagger.io/#/)

78 api specs