OpenAPI Directory | Velosimo Admin

Version History API - Prod

Detects objects, explicit content, and scene changes in videos. It also specifies the region for annotation and transcribes speech to text. Supports both asynchronous API and streaming API.

Integrates Google Vision features, including image labeling, face, logo, and landmark detection, optical character recognition (OCR), and detection of explicit content, into applications.

Use the Migrate to Virtual Machines API to programmatically migrate workloads.

API for managing VPC access connectors.

The Google Web Fonts Developer API lets you retrieve information about web fonts served by Google.

View Google Search Console data for your verified sites.

Scans your Compute and App Engine apps for common web vulnerabilities.

Execute workflows created with Workflows API.

Manage workflow definitions. To execute workflows and manage executions, see the Workflows Executions API.

The YouTube Data API v3 is an API that provides access to YouTube data, such as videos, playlists, and channels.

Retrieves your YouTube Analytics data.

Schedules reporting jobs containing your YouTube Analytics data and downloads the resulting bulk data reports in the form of CSV files.

This API provides live access to the BC Data Catalogue. Further documentation on the API is available from http://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/ Confirm the version of the API available from the catalogue by requesting https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/api/3/action/status_show. Please note that you may experience issues when submitting requests to the delivery or test environment if using this [OpenAPI specification](https://github.com/bcgov/api-specs) in other API console viewers.

This REST API provides searchable access to information about geographical names in the province of British Columbia, including name status and details about the corresponding geographic feature. Please note that you may experience issues when submitting requests to the delivery or test environment if using this [OpenAPI specification](https://github.com/bcgov/api-specs) in other API console viewers.

This API represents address cleaning, correction, completion, geocoding, reverse geocoding, and proximity resources for intersection addresses, physical addresses and their occupants in British Columbia. Please read our [data collection notice](https://github.com/bcgov/api-specs/blob/master/COLLECTION_NOTICE.md#collection-notice). Please note that you may experience issues when submitting requests to the delivery or test environment if using this [OpenAPI specification](https://github.com/bcgov/api-specs) in other API console viewers. [API keys](https://api.gov.bc.ca/devportal/api-directory/273) are unique and can be acquired with a GitHub or IDIR account. **Notification:** If you have applications or web pages that link to the BC Address Geocoder you must use the following URL. *https://geocoder.api.gov.bc.ca* Please note that the following URLs were deprecated in September 2018 [More Details](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content?id=103ADC5A956842828554238DEF28D6E5). - http://apps.gov.bc.ca/pub/geocoder - https://apps.gov.bc.ca/pub/geocoder \ \

The Geomark Web Service allows you to create and share geographic areas of interest over the web in a variety of formats and coordinate systems. This service is especially helpful when you need to share an area of interest with people who require that the data be in a different format, or they use different mapping software. Please note that you may experience issues when submitting requests to the delivery or test environment if using this [OpenAPI specification](https://github.com/bcgov/api-specs/tree/master/geomark) in other API console viewers.

1156 api specs