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REFUGE is a web application that seeks to provide safe restroom access for transgender, intersex, and gender nonconforming individuals.

Polls is a simple API allowing consumers to view polls and vote in them.

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RESTful API 4 Unipacker

Rev.ai provides quality speech-text recognition via a RESTful API. All public methods and objects are documented here for developer reference. For a real-time speech to text solution, use Rev.ai's [Streaming API](/docs/streaming). # Base Endpoint The base url for this version of the API is > `https://api.rev.ai/speechtotext/v1` All endpoints described in this documentation are relative to this base url. # Quick Start Follow the [getting started checklist](https://www.rev.ai/getting_started) ## Get your Access Token You can generate your [access token](#section/Authentication/Access-Token) on the [settings page](https://www.rev.ai/access_token) of your account. This access token only needs to be generated once and never expires. You can re-generate your token, however this will invalidate the previous token. ## Submit a File To submit an audio file for transcription to Rev.ai: ``` curl -X POST "https://api.rev.ai/speechtotext/v1/jobs" -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"media_url\":\"https://www.rev.ai/FTC_Sample_1.mp3\",\"metadata\":\"This is a sample submit jobs option\"}" ``` You’ll receive a response like this: ~~~ { "id": "Umx5c6F7pH7r", "created_on": "2018-09-15T05:14:38.13", "name": "sample.mp3", "metadata": "This is a sample submit jobs option for multipart", "status": "in_progress" } ~~~ The `id` (in this case `Umx5c6F7pH7r`) will allow you to retrieve your transcript. ## Get Your Transcript Once a transcription job's `status` becomes `transcribed`, you can retrieve the transcript in JSON format by running: ``` curl -X GET "https://api.rev.ai/speechtotext/v1/jobs/{id}/transcript" -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/vnd.rev.transcript.v1.0+json" ``` Alternatively you can get the plain text version by running: ``` curl -X GET "https://api.rev.ai/speechtotext/v1/jobs/{id}/transcript" -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Accept: text/plain" ``` You can poll for the `status` of your job by querying for the job periodically: ``` curl -X GET https://api.rev.ai/speechtotext/v1/jobs/{id} -H "Authorization: Bearer $REV_ACCESS_TOKEN" ``` **Note:** Polling is NOT recommended in a production server. Rather, use [webhooks](#section/Webhooks) to asynchronously receive notifications once the transcription job completes If you have any further questions, contact us at # Submitting Files Two `POST` request formats can be used to submit a file: `application/json` or `multipart/form-data`. ## JSON This is the preferred method of file submission. Uses the `media_url` property to provide a direct download URL to the Rev.ai server. This method supports the use of pre-signed URLs. Links to videos hosted on platforms like Youtube are not valid because they are not direct download links. **Important note on presigned URLs:** Signed URLs usually have an expiration time which is configurable. To ensure the Rev.ai server can access the link, make sure the expiration time is set to 2 hours or more. In the event you plan on resending the same file, make sure to generate a new presigned URL. ## FormData Used to send a local file to the Rev.ai server. This allows the customer to send the file directly from the host machine. Certain limits apply to this format, see the [Async API Limits section](#section/Async-API-Limits) for more detals. # Turnaround Time and Chunking Often, especially for shorter files, your transcript will be ready in 5 minutes or less. It generally takes no longer than 15 minutes to return longer audios. If you require faster turn around time please contact Chunking is the act of breaking audio files into smaller segments. Rev.ai uses this method to decrease turnaround time of audios greater than 3 minutes in length. # Webhooks If the optional `callback_url` is provided, the API will make an HTTP POST request to the `callback_url` with the following request body when the job either completes successfully or fails. ## Sample Webhook **On Successful Transcription Job** ``` { "job": { "id": "Umx5c6F7pH7r", "status": "transcribed", "created_on": "2018-05-05T23:23:22.29Z", "callback_url": "https://www.example.com/callback", "duration_seconds": 356.24, "media_url": "https://www.rev.ai/FTC_Sample_1.mp3" } } ``` **On Failed Transcription Job** ``` { "job": { "id": "Umx5c6F7pH7r", "status": "failed", "created_on": "2018-05-05T23:23:22.29Z", "callback_url": "https://www.example.com/callback", "failure": "download_failure", "failure_detail": "Failed to download media file. Please check your url and file type" } } ``` **Important notes for using webhooks:** The API will make a POST request, not a GET request, to the `callback_url`. The request body is the job details. You can unsubscribe from a webhook by responding to the webhook request with a 200 response. If a webhook invocation does not receive a 200 Rev.ai will retry the `callback_url` every 30 minutes until either 24 hours have passed or we receive a 200 response. For initial webhook testing, you can try using a third party webhook testing tool such as [https://webhook.site/](https://webhook.site/). # Async API Limits The following default limits apply per user, per endpoint and are configurable by Rev.ai support. If you have any further questions, contact us at - 10,000 transcription requests submitted every 10 minutes - 500 transcriptions processed every 10 minutes - Multi-part/form-data requests to the /jobs endpoint have a concurrency limit of 10 and a file size limit of 2GB - POST requests to the /jobs endpoint that use the media_url property do not have a concurrency limit or file restriction. They are only limited by the first two bullet points # Error Handling The API indicates failure with 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes. 4xx status codes indicate an error due to the request provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted). 5xx error indicate an error with Rev.ai's servers. When an 4xx error occurs during invocation of a request, the API responds with a [problem details](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807) as HTTP response payload. The problem details information is represented as a JSON object with the following optional properties: | Property | Description | |------------|-----------------------------------------------| | type | a URI representing the type for the error | | title | a short human readable description of type | | details | additional details of the error | | status | HTTP status code of the error | In addition to the properties listed above, the problem details object may list additional properties that help to troubleshoot the problem. ## Example Errors ``` // Bad Submit Job Request { "parameter": { "media_url": [ "The media_url field is required" ] }, "type": "https://www.rev.ai/api/v1/errors/invalid-parameters", "title": "Your request parameters didn't validate", "status": 400 } // Invalid Transcript State { "allowed_values": [ "transcribed" ], "current_value": "in_progress", "type": "https://rev.ai/api/v1/errors/invalid-job-state", "title": "Job is in invalid state", "detail": "Job is in invalid state to obtain the transcript", "status": 409 } ``` ## Retrying Failed Requests Some errors can be resolved simply by retrying the request. The following error codes are likely to be resolved with successive retries. | Status Code | Error | |---|:---| | 429 | Too Many Requests | | 502 | Bad Gateway | | 503 | Service Unavailable | | 504 | Gateway Timeout | Note: With the exception of the 429 status code, it is recommended that the maximum number of retries be limited to 5 attempts per request. The number of retries can be higher for 429 errors but if you notice consistent throttling please contact us at .

Download OpenAPI specification: [openapi.yml](openapi.yml) # Introduction Rudder exposes a REST API, enabling the user to interact with Rudder without using the webapp, for example in scripts or cronjobs. ## Versioning Each time the API is extended with new features (new functions, new parameters, new responses, ...), it will be assigned a new version number. This will allow you to keep your existing scripts (based on previous behavior). Versions will always be integers (no 2.1 or 3.3, just 2, 3, 4, ...) or `latest`. You can change the version of the API used by setting it either within the url or in a header: * the URL: each URL is prefixed by its version id, like `/api/version/function`. ```bash # Version 10 curl -X GET -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" https://rudder.example.com/rudder/api/10/rules # Latest curl -X GET -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" https://rudder.example.com/rudder/api/latest/rules # Wrong (not an integer) => 404 not found curl -X GET -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" https://rudder.example.com/rudder/api/3.14/rules ``` * the HTTP headers. You can add the **X-API-Version** header to your request. The value needs to be an integer or `latest`. ```bash # Version 10 curl -X GET -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" -H "X-API-Version: 10" https://rudder.example.com/rudder/api/rules # Wrong => Error response indicating which versions are available curl -X GET -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" -H "X-API-Version: 3.14" https://rudder.example.com/rudder/api/rules ``` In the future, we may declare some versions as deprecated, in order to remove them in a later version of Rudder, but we will never remove any versions without warning, or without a safe period of time to allow migration from previous versions.

Existing versions

Version Rudder versions it appeared in Description
1 Never released (for internal use only) Experimental version
2 to 10 (deprecated) 4.3 and before These versions provided the core set of API features for rules, directives, nodes global parameters, change requests and compliance, rudder settings and system API
11 5.0 New system API (replacing old localhost v1 api): status, maintenance operations and server behavior
12 6.0 and 6.1 Node key management
13 6.2
  • Node status endpoint
  • System health check
  • System maintenance job to purge software [that endpoint was back-ported in 6.1]
14 7.0
  • Secret management
  • Directive tree
  • Improve techniques management
  • Demote a relay
15 7.1
  • Package updates in nodes
16 7.2
  • Create node API included from plugin
  • Configuration archive import/export
## Response format All responses from the API are in the JSON format. ```json { "action": "The name of the called function", "id": "The ID of the element you want, if relevant", "result": "The result of your action: success or error", "data": "Only present if this is a success and depends on the function, it's usually a JSON object", "errorDetails": "Only present if this is an error, it contains the error message" } ``` * __Success__ responses are sent with the 200 HTTP (Success) code * __Error__ responses are sent with a HTTP error code (mostly 5xx...) ## HTTP method Rudder's REST API is based on the usage of [HTTP methods](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html). We use them to indicate what action will be done by the request. Currently, we use four of them: * **GET**: search or retrieve information (get rule details, get a group, ...) * **PUT**: add new objects (create a directive, clone a Rule, ...) * **DELETE**: remove objects (delete a node, delete a parameter, ...) * **POST**: update existing objects (update a directive, reload a group, ...) ## Parameters ### General parameters Some parameters are available for almost all API functions. They will be described in this section. They must be part of the query and can't be submitted in a JSON form. #### Available for all requests
Field Type Description
prettify boolean
Determine if the answer should be prettified (human friendly) or not. We recommend using this for debugging purposes, but not for general script usage as this does add some unnecessary load on the server side.

Default value: false

#### Available for modification requests (PUT/POST/DELETE)
Field Type Description
reason string
optional or required
Set a message to explain the change. If you set the reason messages to be mandatory in the web interface, failing to supply this value will lead to an error.

Default value: ""

changeRequestName string
Set the change request name, is used only if workflows are enabled. The default value depends on the function called

Default value: A default string for each function

changeRequestDescription string
Set the change request description, is used only if workflows are enabled.

Default value: ""

### Passing parameters Parameters to the API can be sent: * As part of the URL for resource identification * As data for POST/PUT requests * Directly in JSON format * As request arguments #### As part of the URL for resource identification Parameters in URLs are used to indicate which resource you want to interact with. The function will not work if this resource is missing. ```bash # Get the Rule of ID "id" curl -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" https://rudder.example.com/rudder/api/latest/rules/id ``` CAUTION: To avoid surprising behavior, do not put a '/' at the end of an URL: it would be interpreted as '/[empty string parameter]' and redirected to '/index', likely not what you wanted to do. #### Sending data for POST/PUT requests ##### Directly in JSON format JSON format is the preferred way to interact with Rudder API for creating or updating resources. You'll also have to set the *Content-Type* header to **application/json** (without it the JSON content would be ignored). In a `curl` `POST` request, that header can be provided with the `-H` parameter: ```bash curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" ... ``` The supplied file must contain a valid JSON: strings need quotes, booleans and integers don't, etc. The (human readable) format is: ```json { "key1": "value1", "key2": false, "key3": 42 } ``` Here is an example with inlined data: ```bash # Update the Rule 'id' with a new name, disabled, and setting it one directive curl -X POST -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://rudder.example.com/rudder/api/rules/latest/{id} -d '{ "displayName": "new name", "enabled": false, "directives": "directiveId"}' ``` You can also pass a supply the JSON in a file: ```bash # Update the Rule 'id' with a new name, disabled, and setting it one directive curl -X POST -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://rudder.example.com/rudder/api/rules/latest/{id} -d @jsonParam ``` Note that the general parameters view in the previous chapter cannot be passed in a JSON, and you will need to pass them a URL parameters if you want them to be taken into account (you can't mix JSON and request parameters): ```bash # Update the Rule 'id' with a new name, disabled, and setting it one directive with reason message "Reason used" curl -X POST -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" -H "Content-Type: application/json" "https://rudder.example.com/rudder/api/rules/latest/{id}?reason=Reason used" -d @jsonParam -d "reason=Reason ignored" ``` ##### Request parameters In some cases, when you have little, simple data to update, JSON can feel bloated. In such cases, you can use request parameters. You will need to pass one parameter for each data you want to change. Parameters follow the following schema: ``` key=value ``` You can pass parameters by two means: * As query parameters: At the end of your url, put a **?** then your first parameter and then a **&** before next parameters. In that case, parameters need to be https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding[URL encoded] ```bash # Update the Rule 'id' with a new name, disabled, and setting it one directive curl -X POST -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" https://rudder.example.com/rudder/api/rules/latest/{id}?"displayName=my new name"&"enabled=false"&"directives=aDirectiveId" ``` * As request data: You can pass those parameters in the request data, they won't figure in the URL, making it lighter to read, You can pass a file that contains data. ```bash # Update the Rule 'id' with a new name, disabled, and setting it one directive (in file directive-info.json) curl -X POST -H "X-API-Token: yourToken" https://rudder.example.com/rudder/api/rules/latest/{id} -d "displayName=my new name" -d "enabled=false" -d @directive-info.json ```

Rumble Network Discovery is now runZero. Read the announcement.

This API is frozen and no longer being updated as of version 2.15.0.

See our latest API documentation at swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/runZero/runZero.

Manage Runscope programmatically.

Provided by [Salesforce](https://www.einstein-hub.com/) � Copyright 2000�2020 salesforce.com, inc. All rights reserved. Salesforce is a registered trademark of salesforce.com, inc., as are other names and marks. Other marks appearing herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. **Last updated:** Aug 17, 2020

SalesLoft helps transform sales teams into modern sales organizations - converting more target accounts into customer accounts

Get detailed data on over 120,000 schools and 18,500 districts in the U.S.

ScrapeWebsiteEmail is a service that exposes an api to fetch e-mails from a website.

SelectPdf HTML To PDF Online REST API is a professional solution that lets you create PDF from web pages and raw HTML code in your applications. The API is easy to use and the integration takes only a few lines of code.

Semantria applies Text and Sentiment Analysis to tweets, facebook posts, surveys, reviews or enterprise content.

The Beta endpoints for the new Email Activity APIs - functionality is subject to change without notice. You may not have access to this Beta endpoint. Email Activity offers filtering and search by event type for two days worth of data. There is an optional add-on to store 60 days worth of data. This add-on also gives you access to the ability to download a CSV of the 60 days worth of email event data. The Beta endpoints for the new Email Activity APIs - functionality is subject to change without notice. You may not have access to this Beta endpoint. Email Activity offers filtering and search by event type for two days worth of data. There is an optional add-on to store 60 days worth of data. This add-on also gives you access to the ability to download a CSV of the 60 days worth of email event data.

Sheerseo API has 2 stages:
First stage - initiating the task: You fill in your task and receive in return the task id.
Second stage - collecting the results: send a request containing the task ids you got at the first stage and collecting the results.

# Introduction This API returns information about all of the verses in Rig Veda. The results are JSON objects that contain the name of the god, poet, and meter of the verses in Rig Veda, the category of the god and the poet, and the _mandal_ and _sukta_ number. The API uses the Swagger 2.0 specification. # Authentication This is an open API. # Try it out This sandbox can be used to get data for only one kind of resource, that is, to fetch the data for a category being sung to. The remaining resources work a similar fashion. For details, see the reference documentation.

# Introduction This API returns data regarding almost all nouns in vedic literature. The results are JSON objects that contain the word transliterated to the Roman script, the word in the Nagari script, the meaning of the word, and the category the word belongs to. Proper nouns are not included (yet). The API uses the Swagger 2.0 specification. # Authentication This is an open API. # Try it out This sandbox can be used to get data for only one kind of resource, that is, to fetch data for a string contained in the meaning of any of the words. The remaining resources work a similar fashion. For details, see the reference documentation.

ShipEngine's easy-to-use REST API lets you manage all of your shipping needs without worrying about the complexities of different carrier APIs and protocols. We handle all the heavy lifting so you can focus on providing a first-class shipping experience for your customers at the best possible prices. Each of ShipEngine's features can be used by itself or in conjunction with each other to build powerful shipping functionality into your application or service. ## Getting Started If you're new to REST APIs then be sure to read our [introduction to REST](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/rest/) to understand the basics. Learn how to [authenticate yourself to ShipEngine](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/auth/), and then use our [sandbox environment](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/sandbox/) to kick the tires and get familiar with our API. If you run into any problems, then be sure to check the [error handling guide](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/errors/) for tips. Here are some step-by-step **tutorials** to get you started: - [Learn how to create your first shipping label](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/labels/create-a-label/) - [Calculate shipping costs and compare rates across carriers](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/rates/) - [Track packages on-demand or in real time](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/tracking/) - [Validate mailing addresses anywhere on Earth](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/addresses/validation/) ## Shipping Labels for Every Major Carrier ShipEngine makes it easy to [create shipping labels for any carrier](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/labels/create-a-label/) and [download them](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/labels/downloading/) in a [variety of file formats](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/labels/formats/). You can even customize labels with your own [messages](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/labels/messages/) and [images](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/labels/branding/). ## Real-Time Package Tracking With ShipEngine you can [get the current status of a package](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/tracking/) or [subscribe to real-time tracking updates](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/tracking/webhooks/) via webhooks. You can also create [custimized tracking pages](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/tracking/branded-tracking-page/) with your own branding so your customers will always know where their package is. ## Compare Shipping Costs Across Carriers Make sure you ship as cost-effectively as possible by [comparing rates across carriers](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/rates/get-shipment-rates/) using the ShipEngine Rates API. Or if you don't know the full shipment details yet, then you can [get rate estimates](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/rates/estimate/) with limited address info. ## Worldwide Address Validation ShipEngine supports [address validation](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/addresses/validation/) for virtually [every country on Earth](https://www.shipengine.com/docs/addresses/validation/countries/), including the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Germany, France, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Israel, Italy, and over 160 others.

1156 api specs