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Portfolio Optimizer is a [Web API](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_API) to analyze and optimize investment portfolios (collection of financial assets such as stocks, bonds, ETFs, crypto-currencies) using modern portfolio theory algorithms (mean-variance, VaR, etc.). # API General Information Portfolio Optimizer is based on [REST](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer) for easy integration, uses [JSON](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON) for the exchange of data and uses a standard [HTTP verb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol#Request_methods) (`POST`) to represent the action(s). Portfolio Optimizer is also as secured as a Web API could be: * [256-bit HTTPS Encryption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTPS) * No usage of cookies * No usage of personal data ## API Headers The following HTTP header(s) are required when calling Portfolio Optimizer endpoints: * `Content-type: application/json` This header specifies that the data provided in input to the endpoint is in JSON format The following HTTP header(s) are optional when calling Portfolio Optimizer endpoints: * `Content-Encoding: gzip` This header indicates that the data provided in input to the endpoint is compressed with gzip. * `X-API-Key: ` This header enables [authenticated users](#auth) to provide their private [API key](#overview--api-key) in order to [benefit from higher API limits](#overview--api-limits) ## API Key Portfolio Optimizer is free to use, but not free to run. In order to obtain an API key and benefit from [higher API limits](#overview--api-limits), a *small* participation to Portfolio Optimizer running costs is required. This participation takes the form of coffee(s), with one coffee = one month of usage.

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> **Notes:** > * Please make sure not to expose your API key publicly! ## API Limits Portfolio Optimizer comes with *fairly reasonable* API limits. For anonymous users: * The API requests are restricted to a subset of all the available endpoints and/or endpoints features * The API requests are limited to 1 request per second for all the anonymous users combined, with concurrent requests rejected * The API requests are limited to 1 second of execution time * The API requests are limited to 20 assets, 250 portfolios, 500 series data points and 5 factors For authenticated users with an [API key](#overview--api-key): * The API requests have access to all the available endpoints and endpoints features * The API requests are limited to 10000 requests per 24 hour per API key, with concurrent requests queued * The API requests are limited to 2.5 seconds of execution time * The API requests are limited to 100 assets, 1250 portfolios, 2500 series data points and 25 factors > **Notes:** > * It is possible to further relax the API limits, or to disable the API limits alltogether; please [contact the support](https://portfoliooptimizer.io/contact/) for more details. > * Information on the API rate limits are provided in response messages HTTP headers `x-ratelimit-*`: > * `x-ratelimit-limit-second`, the limit on the number of API requests per second > * `x-ratelimit-remaining-second`, the number of remaining API requests in the current second > * `x-ratelimit-limit-minute`, the limit on the number of API requests per minute > * ... ## API Regions Portfolio Optimizer servers are located in Western Europe. > **Notes:** > * It is possible to deploy Portfolio Optimizer in other geographical regions, for example to improve the API latency; please [contact the support](https://portfoliooptimizer.io/contact/) for more details. ## API Response Codes Standard [HTTP response codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes) are used by Portfolio Optimizer to provide details on the status of API requests. | HTTP Code | Description | Notes | | --------- | ----------- | ----- | | 200 | Request successfully processed | - | | 400 | Request failed to be processed because of incorrect content | The response message body contains information on the incorrect content | | 401 | Request failed to be processed because of invalid API key | - | | 404 | Request failed to be processed because of non existing endpoint | The requested endpoint might exist, but needs to be accessed with another HTTP method (e.g., `POST` instead of `GET`) | | 429 | Request failed to be processed because of API limits violated | The response message HTTP headers `x-ratelimit-*` contain information on the [API limits](#overview--api-limits) | | 500 | Request failed to be processed because of an internal error | Something went wrong on Portfolio Optimizer side, do not hesitate to [report the issue](#overview--support) | | 502 | Request failed to be processed because of a temporary connectivity error | Something went wrong on Portfolio Optimizer side, please check the [API status](#overview--api-status) and do not hesitate to [report the issue](#overview--support) | ## API Status Portfolio Optimizer is monitored 24/7 by [UptimeRobot](https://stats.uptimerobot.com/wgW71SL1AW). # Support For any issue or question about Portfolio Optimizer, please do not hesitate to [contact the support](https://portfoliooptimizer.io/contact/).

This api converts file formats of OpenXml and OpenOffice documents formats to vector files (e.g., svg)

This API helps users convert Excel and Powerpoint documents into rich, live dashboards and stories.

This API is the main entry point for creating, editing and publishing analytics throught the Presalytics API

This document describes the Qualpay Payment Gateway API.

# Introduction The Rebilly API is built on HTTP. Our API is RESTful. It has predictable resource URLs. It returns HTTP response codes to indicate errors. It also accepts and returns JSON in the HTTP body. You can use your favorite HTTP/REST library for your programming language to use Rebilly's API, or you can use one of our SDKs (currently available in [PHP](https://github.com/Rebilly/rebilly-php) and [Javascript](https://github.com/Rebilly/rebilly-js-sdk)). We have other APIs that are also available. Every action from our [app](https://app.rebilly.com) is supported by an API which is documented and available for use so that you may automate any workflows necessary. This document contains the most commonly integrated resources. # Authentication When you sign up for an account, you are given your first secret API key. You can generate additional API keys, and delete API keys (as you may need to rotate your keys in the future). You authenticate to the Rebilly API by providing your secret key in the request header. Rebilly offers three forms of authentication: secret key, publishable key, JSON Web Tokens, and public signature key. - [Secret API key](#section/Authentication/SecretApiKey): used for requests made from the server side. Never share these keys. Keep them guarded and secure. - [Publishable API key](#section/Authentication/PublishableApiKey): used for requests from the client side. For now can only be used to create a [Payment Token](#operation/PostToken) and a [File token](#operation/PostFile). - [JWT](#section/Authentication/JWT): short lifetime tokens that can be assigned a specific expiration time. Never share your secret keys. Keep them guarded and secure. <!-- ReDoc-Inject: <security-definitions> --> # Errors Rebilly follow's the error response format proposed in [RFC 7807](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807) also known as Problem Details for HTTP APIs. As with our normal API responses, your client must be prepared to gracefully handle additional members of the response. ## Forbidden <RedocResponse pointer={"#/components/responses/Forbidden"} /> ## Conflict <RedocResponse pointer={"#/components/responses/Conflict"} /> ## NotFound <RedocResponse pointer={"#/components/responses/NotFound"} /> ## Unauthorized <RedocResponse pointer={"#/components/responses/Unauthorized"} /> ## ValidationError <RedocResponse pointer={"#/components/responses/ValidationError"} /> # SDKs Rebilly offers a Javascript SDK and a PHP SDK to help interact with the API. However, no SDK is required to use the API. Rebilly also offers [FramePay](https://docs.rebilly.com/docs/developer-docs/framepay/), a client-side iFrame-based solution to help create payment tokens while minimizing PCI DSS compliance burdens and maximizing the customizability. [FramePay](https://docs.rebilly.com/docs/developer-docs/framepay/) is interacting with the [payment tokens creation operation](#operation/PostToken). ## Javascript SDK Installation and usage instructions can be found [here](https://docs.rebilly.com/docs/developer-docs/sdks). SDK code examples are included in these docs. ## PHP SDK For all PHP SDK examples provided in these docs you will need to configure the `$client`. You may do it like this: ```php $client = new Rebilly\Client([ 'apiKey' => 'YourApiKeyHere', 'baseUrl' => 'https://api.rebilly.com', ]); ``` # Using filter with collections Rebilly provides collections filtering. You can use `?filter` param on collections to define which records should be shown in the response. Here is filter format description: - Fields and values in filter are separated with `:`: `?filter=firstName:John`. - Sub-fields are separated with `.`: `?filter=billingAddress.country:US`. - Multiple filters are separated with `;`: `?filter=firstName:John;lastName:Doe`. They will be joined with `AND` logic. In this example: `firstName:John` AND `lastName:Doe`. - You can use multiple values using `,` as values separator: `?filter=firstName:John,Bob`. Multiple values specified for a field will be joined with `OR` logic. In this example: `firstName:John` OR `firstName:Bob`. - To negate the filter use `!`: `?filter=firstName:!John`. Note that you can negate multiple values like this: `?filter=firstName:!John,!Bob`. This filter rule will exclude all Johns and Bobs from the response. - You can use range filters like this: `?filter=amount:1..10`. - You can use gte (greater than or equals) filter like this: `?filter=amount:1..`, or lte (less than or equals) than filter like this: `?filter=amount:..10`. This also works for datetime-based fields. - You can create some [predefined values lists](https://user-api-docs.rebilly.com/#tag/Lists) and use them in filter: `?filter=firstName:@yourListName`. You can also exclude list values: `?filter=firstName:!@yourListName`. - Datetime-based fields accept values formatted using RFC 3339 like this: `?filter=createdTime:2021-02-14T13:30:00Z`. # Expand to include embedded objects Rebilly provides the ability to pre-load additional objects with a request. You can use `?expand` param on most requests to expand and include embedded objects within the `_embedded` property of the response. The `_embedded` property contains an array of objects keyed by the expand parameter value(s). You may expand multiple objects by passing them as comma-separated to the expand value like so: ``` ?expand=recentInvoice,customer ``` And in the response, you would see: ``` "_embedded": [ "recentInvoice": {...}, "customer": {...} ] ``` Expand may be utilitized not only on `GET` requests but also on `PATCH`, `POST`, `PUT` requests too. # Getting started guide Rebilly's API has over 300 operations. That's more than you'll need to implement your use cases. If you have a use case you would like to implement, please consult us for feedback on the best API operations for the task. Our getting started guide will demonstrate a basic order form use case. It will allow us to highlight core resources in Rebilly that will be helpful for many other use cases too. Within 25 minutes, you'll have sent API requests (via our console) to create a subscription order.

Access analytics for Redeal

Access analytics for Redeal

Polls is a simple API allowing consumers to view polls and vote in them.


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RiteKit API is based on REST principles. Authentication uses standard OAuth 2.0 process ##Getting started 1. Sign up for [RiteKit](https://ritekit.com/) 1. Go to [developer dashboard](https://ritekit.com/developer/dashboard/) 1. Click "Create a token" button to get your **Client ID** and **Client secret** 1. When you reach your free limit of calls per month, [upgrade to paid tiers](https://ritekit.com/developer/) ## Options for authorizing API Calls #### Using Client ID directly You can directly connect to our API using your **client ID** by sending it as a GET query parameter. This option is simple (no need for oAuth) but it should be used only in case the Client ID is not exposed publicly. GET https://api.ritekit.com/v1/stats/multiple-hashtags?tags=php&client_id=292c6912e7710c838347ae178b4a

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1601 api specs