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hashlookup CIRCL API 1.2

Added: 06/06/2021
Updated at: 06/03/2023

![](https://www.circl.lu/assets/images/circl-logo.png) [CIRCL hash lookup](https://hashlookup.circl.lu/) is a public API to lookup hash values against known database of files. For more details about all the datasets included [visit the website of the project](https://www.circl.lu/services/hashlookup/). The API is accessible via HTTP ReST API and the API is also [described as an OpenAPI](https://hashlookup.circl.lu/swagger.json). A [documentation is available with](https://www.circl.lu/services/hashlookup/) with sample queries and software using hashlookup. An offline version as Bloom filter is also [available](https://circl.lu/services/hashlookup/#how-to-quickly-check-a-set-of-files-in-a-local-directory). The API can be tested live in the interface below.