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PeerTube 5.1.0

Added: 04/07/2019
Updated at: 06/03/2023

The PeerTube API is built on HTTP(S) and is RESTful. You can use your favorite HTTP/REST library for your programming language to use PeerTube. The spec API is fully compatible with [openapi-generator](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator/wiki/API-client-generator-HOWTO) which generates a client SDK in the language of your choice - we generate some client SDKs automatically: - [Python](https://framagit.org/framasoft/peertube/clients/python) - [Go](https://framagit.org/framasoft/peertube/clients/go) - [Kotlin](https://framagit.org/framasoft/peertube/clients/kotlin) See the [REST API quick start](https://docs.joinpeertube.org/api/rest-getting-started) for a few examples of using the PeerTube API. # Authentication When you sign up for an account on a PeerTube instance, you are given the possibility to generate sessions on it, and authenticate there using an access token. Only __one access token can currently be used at a time__. ## Roles Accounts are given permissions based on their role. There are three roles on PeerTube: Administrator, Moderator, and User. See the [roles guide](https://docs.joinpeertube.org/admin/managing-users#roles) for a detail of their permissions. # Errors The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of the API call, completed by a [RFC7807-compliant](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807) response body. ``` HTTP 1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/problem+json; charset=utf-8 { "detail": "Video not found", "docs": "https://docs.joinpeertube.org/api/rest-reference.html#operation/getVideo", "status": 404, "title": "Not Found", "type": "about:blank" } ``` We provide error `type` values for [a growing number of cases](https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/blob/develop/shared/models/server/server-error-code.enum.ts), but it is still optional. Types are used to disambiguate errors that bear the same status code and are non-obvious: ``` HTTP 1.1 403 Forbidden Content-Type: application/problem+json; charset=utf-8 { "detail": "Cannot get this video regarding follow constraints", "docs": "https://docs.joinpeertube.org/api/rest-reference.html#operation/getVideo", "status": 403, "title": "Forbidden", "type": "https://docs.joinpeertube.org/api/rest-reference.html#section/Errors/does_not_respect_follow_constraints" } ``` Here a 403 error could otherwise mean that the video is private or blocklisted. ### Validation errors Each parameter is evaluated on its own against a set of rules before the route validator proceeds with potential testing involving parameter combinations. Errors coming from validation errors appear earlier and benefit from a more detailed error description: ``` HTTP 1.1 400 Bad Request Content-Type: application/problem+json; charset=utf-8 { "detail": "Incorrect request parameters: id", "docs": "https://docs.joinpeertube.org/api/rest-reference.html#operation/getVideo", "instance": "/api/v1/videos/9c9de5e8-0a1e-484a-b099-e80766180", "invalid-params": { "id": { "location": "params", "msg": "Invalid value", "param": "id", "value": "9c9de5e8-0a1e-484a-b099-e80766180" } }, "status": 400, "title": "Bad Request", "type": "about:blank" } ``` Where `id` is the name of the field concerned by the error, within the route definition. `invalid-params..location` can be either 'params', 'body', 'header', 'query' or 'cookies', and `invalid-params..value` reports the value that didn't pass validation whose `invalid-params..msg` is about. ### Deprecated error fields Some fields could be included with previous versions. They are still included but their use is deprecated: - `error`: superseded by `detail` - `code`: superseded by `type` (which is now an URI) # Rate limits We are rate-limiting all endpoints of PeerTube's API. Custom values can be set by administrators: | Endpoint (prefix: `/api/v1`) | Calls | Time frame | |------------------------------|---------------|--------------| | `/*` | 50 | 10 seconds | | `POST /users/token` | 15 | 5 minutes | | `POST /users/register` | 2* | 5 minutes | | `POST /users/ask-send-verify-email` | 3 | 5 minutes | Depending on the endpoint, *failed requests are not taken into account. A service limit is announced by a `429 Too Many Requests` status code. You can get details about the current state of your rate limit by reading the following headers: | Header | Description | |-------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------| | `X-RateLimit-Limit` | Number of max requests allowed in the current time period | | `X-RateLimit-Remaining` | Number of remaining requests in the current time period | | `X-RateLimit-Reset` | Timestamp of end of current time period as UNIX timestamp | | `Retry-After` | Seconds to delay after the first `429` is received | # CORS This API features [Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)](https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/), allowing cross-domain communication from the browser for some routes: | Endpoint | |------------------------- ---| | `/api/*` | | `/download/*` | | `/lazy-static/*` | | `/.well-known/webfinger` | In addition, all routes serving ActivityPub are CORS-enabled for all origins.