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EmailVerify 1.0.0

Added: 08/03/2023
Updated at: 08/03/2023

OTP email verification API by PayPI.

EmailVerify provides a simple way to verify email addresses. We send emails ourselves taking the burden of setting up email systems and tracking codes.

To learn more about this API, check out [EmailVerify documentation](https://emailverify.paypi.dev/)

## Authentication All requests to the EmailVerify API must be authenticated with an API Key. To get an API key, subscribe to the EmailVerify [here](https://app.paypi.dev/subscribe/c2VydmljZTo1OGQxZDNmMy05OWQ5LTQ3ZjYtOWJkNi02OWNkMTY1OGFmOWU=). \ Set your `Authorization` header to `Bearer YOUR-API-KEY`. ``` curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-KEY" \ ... ```