OpenAPI Directory | Velosimo Admin

This is the official API documentation for ClickSend.com Below you will find a current list of the available methods for clicksend. **NOTE**: You will need to create a free account to use the API. You can [**Register Here**](https://dashboard.clicksend.com/#/signup/step1/). # API URL The API should always be accessed over SSL. Base URL: `https://rest.clicksend.com/v3/` # Authentication Basic HTTP authentication should be used in the header. **Either:** `username`: Your API username `password`: Your API key ``` You can get your API credentials by clicking 'API Credentials' on the top right of the dashboard. ``` **OR** `username`: Your account username `password`: Your account password ``` These are the same credentials that you use to login to the dashboard. ``` ### Authorization Header The Authorization header is constructed as follows: 1. Username and password are combined into a string `username:password` 1. The resulting string is then encoded using Base64 encoding 1. The authorization method and a space i.e. "Basic " is then put before the encoded string. For example, if the user uses `Aladdin` as the username and `open sesame` as the password then the header is formed as follows: `Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==` ### PHP Authentication Header Example (using cURL) `curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode("$username:$password")]);` # Verbs The API uses restful verbs. | Verb | Description | |---|---| | `GET` | Select one or more items. Success returns `200` status code. | | `POST` | Create a new item. Success returns `200` status code. | | `PUT` | Update an item. Success returns `200` status code. | | `DELETE` | Delete an item. Success returns `200` status code. | # Status Codes The API will respond with one of the following HTTP status codes. | Code | Response | Description | |---|---|---| | `200` | `SUCCESS` | Request completed successfully. | | `400` | `BAD_REQUEST` | The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further. | | `401` | `UNAUTHORIZED` | Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. | | `403` | `FORBIDDEN` | The request is understood, but it has been refused or access is not allowed. An accompanying error message will explain why. | | `404` | `NOT_FOUND` | The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested does not exists. | | `405` | `NOT_FOUND` | Method doesn't exist or is not allowed. | | `429` | `TOO_MANY_REQUESTS` | Rate Limit Exceeded. Returned when a request cannot be served due to the application’s rate limit having been exhausted for the resource. See Rate Limiting. | | `500` | `INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR` | Something is broken | # Application Status Codes The following status codes can be returned in addition to the HTTP status code. For example, when using the Send SMS endpoint: | Response | Description | |---|---| | `SUCCESS` | Message added to queue OK. Use delivery reports to get an update on the delivery status.| | `MISSING_CREDENTIALS` | Not enough information has been supplied for authentication. Please ensure that your Username and Unique Key are supplied in your request.| | `ACCOUNT_NOT_ACTIVATED` | Your account has not been activated.| | `INVALID_RECIPIENT` | The destination mobile number is invalid.| | `THROTTLED` | Identical message body recently sent to the same recipient. Please try again in a few seconds.| | `INVALID_SENDER_ID` | Invalid Sender ID. Please ensure Sender ID is no longer than 11 characters (if alphanumeric), and contains no spaces.| | `INSUFFICIENT_CREDIT` | You have reached the end of your message credits. You will need to purchase more message credits.| | `INVALID_CREDENTIALS` | Your Username or Unique Key is incorrect.| | `ALREADY_EXISTS` | The resource you're trying to add already exists.| | `EMPTY_MESSAGE` | Message is empty.| | `TOO_MANY_RECIPIENTS` | Too many recipients.| | `MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS` | Some required fields are missing.| | `INVALID_SCHEDULE` | The schedule specified is invalid. Use a unix timestamp e.g. 1429170372.| | `NOT_ENOUGH_PERMISSION_TO_LIST_ID` | Don't have enough privilege to access or send to a list_id.| | `INTERNAL_ERROR` | Internal error.| | `INVALID_LANG` | An invalid language option has been provided.| | `INVALID_VOICE` | An invalid voice (gender) option has been provided.| | `SUBJECT_REQUIRED` | Usually happens when MMS Subject is empty.| | `INVALID_MEDIA_FILE` | Usually MMS media file is invalid file.| | `SOMETHING_IS_WRONG` | Generic Error happened.| # Required Headers You'll need to send some headers when making API calls. | Header | Value | |---|---| | `Content-type` | `application/json` | # Pagination Some methods are paginated. By default, 1 page of 15 items will be returned. You can set the pagination parameters by adding `?page={page}&limit={limit}` to the URL. ## Request | Parameter | Type | Default | Value | |---|---|---|---| | `page` | integer | `1` | The page number to return in the response. | | `limit` | integer | `15` | The number of results per page. Min 15, Max 100. | ## Response | Attribute | Type | Value | |---|---|---|---| | `total` | integer | Total number of results available. | | `per_page` | integer | Number of results returned per page. | | `current_page` | integer | Current page number. | | `last_page` | integer | Last page number. | | `next_page_url` | string | A URL of the next page. `null` if not available.| | `prev_page_url` | string | A URL of the previous page. `null` if not available.| | `from` | integer | Number of the first result in current page. | | `to` | integer | Number of the last result in current page. | # Searching and Sorting Most GET endpoints allow searching and sorting. Searches are **not** case-sensitive. ## Search To perform a search, add `q` as a query parameter. For example: `/subaccounts?q=field:value,field2:value` ## Order To perform a sort, add `order_by` as a query parameter. For example: `/subaccounts?order_by=field:desc/asc` ## AND / OR By default, it will search using the `AND` operator. This can be set using `operator` as a query parameter. For example: `/subaccounts?q=field:value&operator=OR` **Options:** - `AN` - returns results matching **all** query fields specified - `OR` - returns results matching **any** query fields specified ## Example `/subaccounts?q=first_name:john,last_name:smith&order_by=subaccount_id:asc&operator=AND` # CORS When creating your API app, specify the JavaScript (CORS) origins you'll be using. We use these origins to return the headers needed for CORS. # Date and Time All date/timestamps will be returned in Unix time (also known as POSIX time or erroneously as Epoch time) with no leap seconds. For example: `1435255816` ``` (ISO 8601: 2015-06-25T18:10:16Z) ``` More information: [Wikipedia: Unix time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time). There is ony one Unix time and it is created by using the UTC/GMT time zone. This means you might have convert time zones to calculate timestamps. Most programming language have libraries to help you converting time zones. **The current Unix time can be found here:** [Epoch Converter](http://www.epochconverter.com) # Testing ## Test Credentials These API credentials can be used to test specific scenarios. **Note:** you will need to create a free account to test other scenarios. Refer to introduction. | API Username | API Key | Description | |---|---|---|---| | `nocredit` | `D83DED51-9E35-4D42-9BB9-0E34B7CA85AE` | This account has no credit. | | `notactive` | `D83DED51-9E35-4D42-9BB9-0E34B7CA85AE` | This account is not active. | | `banned` | `D83DED51-9E35-4D42-9BB9-0E34B7CA85AE` | This account is banned. | ## Test SMS/MMS Numbers The following numbers can be used when testing. No messages will be sent, and your account won't be charged. A success response will be returned. - `+61411111111` - `+61422222222` - `+61433333333` - `+61444444444` - `+14055555555` - `+14055555666` - `+447777777777` - `+8615555555555` ## Test Voice Numbers The following numbers can be used when testing. No messages will be sent, and your account won't be charged. A success response will be returned. - `+61411111111` - `+61422222222` - `+61433333333` - `+61444444444` - `+14055555555` - `+14055555666` - `+447777777777` - `+8615555555555` ## Test Fax Numbers The following numbers can be used when testing. No messages will be sent, and your account won't be charged. A success response will be returned. - `+61261111111` - `+61262222222` - `+61263333333` ## Test Email Addresses The following email addresses can be used when testing. No messages will be sent, and your account won't be charged. A success response will be returned. - `test1@test.com` - `test2@test.com` - `test3@test.com` ## Test Post Letter Addresses The following Postal Codes (address_postal_code) can be used when testing. No messages will be sent when using these post codes, and your account won't be charged. A success response will be returned. - `11111` - `22222` - `33333`

MailSquad offers an affordable and super easy way to create, send and track delightful emails.

The MailboxValidator Free Email Checker checks if a single email address is from a free email provider and returns the results in either JSON or XML format. Refer to https://www.mailboxvalidator.com/api-email-freem for further information.

The MailboxValidator Disposable Email Checker API checks if a single email address is from a disposable email provider and returns the results in either JSON or XML format. Refer to https://www.mailboxvalidator.com/api-email-disposable for further information.

The Single Validation API does validation on a single email address and returns all the validation results in either JSON or XML format. Refer to https://www.mailboxvalidator.com for further information.

Mandrill is a reliable, scalable, and secure delivery API for transactional emails from websites and applications. It's ideal for sending data-driven transactional emails, including targeted e-commerce and personalized one-to-one messages.

The general-purpose API

OTP email verification API by PayPI.

EmailVerify provides a simple way to verify email addresses. We send emails ourselves taking the burden of setting up email systems and tracking codes.

To learn more about this API, check out [EmailVerify documentation](https://emailverify.paypi.dev/)

## Authentication All requests to the EmailVerify API must be authenticated with an API Key. To get an API key, subscribe to the EmailVerify [here](https://app.paypi.dev/subscribe/c2VydmljZTo1OGQxZDNmMy05OWQ5LTQ3ZjYtOWJkNi02OWNkMTY1OGFmOWU=). \ Set your `Authorization` header to `Bearer YOUR-API-KEY`. ``` curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-API-KEY" \ ... ```

Postmark makes sending and receiving email incredibly easy. The Account-level API allows users to configure all Servers, Domains, and Sender Signatures associated with an Account.

Postmark makes sending and receiving email incredibly easy.

ScrapeWebsiteEmail is a service that exposes an api to fetch e-mails from a website.

The Beta endpoints for the new Email Activity APIs - functionality is subject to change without notice. You may not have access to this Beta endpoint. Email Activity offers filtering and search by event type for two days worth of data. There is an optional add-on to store 60 days worth of data. This add-on also gives you access to the ability to download a CSV of the 60 days worth of email event data. The Beta endpoints for the new Email Activity APIs - functionality is subject to change without notice. You may not have access to this Beta endpoint. Email Activity offers filtering and search by event type for two days worth of data. There is an optional add-on to store 60 days worth of data. This add-on also gives you access to the ability to download a CSV of the 60 days worth of email event data.

13 api specs