OpenAPI Directory | Velosimo Admin

An API for managing Drive Labels

Build event-driven applications on Google Cloud Platform.

FCM send API that provides a cross-platform messaging solution to reliably deliver messages at no cost.

Provides additional information about Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) message sends and deliveries.

The Cloud Filestore API is used for creating and managing cloud file servers.

The Firebase Management API enables programmatic setup and management of Firebase projects, including a project's Firebase resources and Firebase apps.

Firebase App Check works alongside other Firebase services to help protect your backend resources from abuse, such as billing fraud or phishing.

The Firebase Realtime Database API enables programmatic provisioning and management of Realtime Database instances.

Programmatically creates and manages Firebase Dynamic Links.

The Firebase Hosting REST API enables programmatic and customizable management and deployments to your Firebase-hosted sites. Use this REST API to create and manage channels and sites as well as to deploy new or updated hosting configurations and content files.

Access custom machine learning models hosted via Firebase ML.

Creates and manages rules that determine when a Firebase Rules-enabled service should permit a request.

The Cloud Storage for Firebase API enables programmatic management of Cloud Storage buckets for use in Firebase projects

Accesses the NoSQL document database built for automatic scaling, high performance, and ease of application development.

The Fitness API for managing users' fitness tracking data.

Reads and writes Google Forms and responses.

The Google Play games service allows developers to enhance games with social leaderboards, achievements, game state, sign-in with Google, and more.

2529 api specs