> Check the new [Promotions onboarding guide](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/docs/promotions-overview). We created this guide to improve the onboarding experience for developers at VTEX. It assembles all documentation on our Developer Portal about Promotions and is organized by focusing on the developer's journey. The Promotions & Taxes API allows you to manage and retrieve all promotions, coupons and tax rules from your VTEX store. ## Index ### Coupons `POST` [Create multiple coupons](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/post_api-rnb-pvt-multiple-coupons) `POST` [Create coupon](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/post_api-rnb-pvt-coupon) `GET` [Get coupon by coupon code](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/getbycouponcode) `GET` [Get archived coupon by coupon code](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/getarchivedbycouponcode) `POST` [Archive coupon by coupon code](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/archivebycouponcode) `POST` [Update coupon](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/update) `GET` [Get all coupons](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/getall) `POST` [Coupon Massive Generation](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/massivegeneration) `GET` [Get coupon usage](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/getusage) `POST` [Unarchive coupon by coupon code](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/unarchivebycouponcode) ### Promotions and Taxes `GET` [Get All Promotions](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/getallbenefits) `GET` [Get All Taxes](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/getalltaxes) `GET` [Get Promotion or Tax By ID](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/getcalculatorconfigurationbyid) `POST` [Create or Update Promotion or Tax](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/createorupdatecalculatorconfiguration) `POST` [Create Multiple SKU Promotion](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/post_api-rnb-pvt-import-calculatorconfiguration) `PUT` [Update Multiple SKU Promotion](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/put_api-rnb-pvt-import-calculatorconfiguration-promotionid) `POST` [Archive Promotion or Tax](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/archivepromotion-1) `POST` [Unarchive Promotion or Tax](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/unarchivepromotion-1) `GET` [List archived Promotions](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/getarchivedpromotions) `GET` [List archived Taxes](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/getarchivedtaxes) ### Campaign Audiences `GET` [Get campaign audience configuration](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/getcampaignconfiguration) `POST` [Create campaign audience](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/setcampaignconfiguration)
Reviews & Ratings is a [VTEX IO native solution](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-developer-docs/docs/vtex-reviews-and-ratings) that allows shoppers to submit reviews and ratings for products, as well as see them while navigating the store. ## Rating - [Get Product Rating](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/getproductrating) ## Review - [Get Review by Review ID](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/getreviewbyreviewid) - [Delete Review](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/deletereview) - [Update a Review](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/editreview) - [Get a list of Reviews](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/getalistofreviews) - [Create Multiple Reviews](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/savemultiplereviews) - [Delete Multiple Reviews](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/deletemultiplereviews) - [Create a Review](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/reference/savereview)
> Check the new [Search onboarding guide](https://developers.vtex.com/vtex-rest-api/docs/search-onboarding). We created this guide to improve the onboarding experience for developers at VTEX. It assembles all documentation on our Developer Portal about Search and is organized by focusing on the developer's journey. This API lets you search and sort products in the Catalog using Fulltext, Category and Brand search terms. Retrieve product data to create custom searches and product shelves.
A **Subscription** is a list of items (SKUs) tied to certain recurring purchase settings: - User profile - Address - Payment method - Frequency - Cycle Once you have [configured subscriptions](https://help.vtex.com/tutorial/how-to-configure-subscriptions%20--1FA9dfE7vJqxBna9Nft5Sj) in your store, the Subscriptions API allows you to create, manage and monitor your customers' subscriptions. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/77292838/213024675-9407863b-0c55-4282-9442-306352716abe.png) To read more about the Subscriptions feature, check our article [How Subscription works](https://help.vtex.com/tutorial/how-subscriptions-work--frequentlyAskedQuestions_4453).
API for EnteroBase (https://enterobase.warwick.ac.uk) EnteroBase is a user-friendly online resource, where users can upload their own sequencing data for de novo assembly by a stream-lined pipeline. The assemblies are used for calling MLST and wgMLST patterns, allowing users to compare their strains to publically available genotyping data from other EnteroBase users, GenBank and classical MLST databases. Click here to find how to get and use an API token: http://bit.ly/1TKlaOU
API for the Water Linked Underwater GPS. For more details: http://www.waterlinked.com Recommended approach for connecting to a Underwater GPS via the API is: - If "GET /api/" times out, the Underwater GPS is not running (on this IP address) - If "GET /api/" responds with 200 OK check that the api version returrned (eg "v1") is supported by the client (eg: also supports "v1"). - If the api version returned does not match what the client supports: give an error to the user and recommend upgrading. (Eg: response is "v2" while client only supports "v1") - If "GET /api/" responds with 301 Moved permanently. "GET /api/v1/version" to check if the kit has a version earlier than 1.5. - "GET /api/v1/version" will always respond with 200 OK on Underwater GPS earlier than 1.5 release. Configuration API is is not considered stable and will potentially be changed
Las APIs regulatorias basadas en PSD2 proporcionan acceso a cierta información financiera como saldos de cuentas bancarias y transacciones. Sin embargo, hay otras fuentes de información patrimonial que no son accesibles por estas APIs. La API de Wealth Reader amplía la información ofrecida por las APIs regulatorias proporcionando acceso en tiempo real a las fuentes patrimoniales adicionales en cualquier entidad del mundo. Existen otros dos documentos relacionados que te ayudarán a integrar la API de Wealth Reader. Uno es la guía de integración del widget Javascript: https://docs-es.wealthreader.com/, y el otro una colección Postman basada en esta documentación.
This an interactive version of the documentation for the Weatherbit API. The base URL for the API is [http://api.weatherbit.io/v2.0/](http://api.weatherbit.io/v2.0/) or [https://api.weatherbit.io/v2.0/](http://api.weatherbit.io/v2.0/). Below is the Swagger UI documentation for the API. All API requests require the `key` parameter. An Example for a 48 hour forecast for London, UK would be `http://api.weatherbit.io/v2.0/forecast/hourly?lat=51.5072`&`lon=-0.1276`. See our [Weather API description page](https://www.weatherbit.io/api) for the full documentation.