OpenAPI Directory | Velosimo Admin

Mandrill is a reliable, scalable, and secure delivery API for transactional emails from websites and applications. It's ideal for sending data-driven transactional emails, including targeted e-commerce and personalized one-to-one messages.

The GeoDB API focuses on getting global city and region data. Easily obtain country, region, and city data for use in your apps!

  • Filter cities by name prefix, country, location, time-zone, and even minimum population.
  • Sort cities by name, country code, elevation, and population - or any combination of these.
  • Get all country regions.
  • Get all cities in a given region.
  • Display results in multiple languages.
  • RESTful API adheres to industry best-practices, including HATEOAS-style links to facilitate paging results.
  • Backed by cloud-based load-balanced infrastructure for resiliency and performance!
  • Data is periodically refreshed from GeoNames and WikiData.


  • Since the database is periodically updated, this may very rarely result in certain cities being marked deleted (e.g., duplicates removed). By default, endpoints returning city data will exclude cities marked deleted. However, in the unlikely event that this occurs while your app is paging through a set of affected results - and you care about the paged results suddenly changing underneath - specify includeDeleted=SINCE_YESTERDAY (or SINCE_LAST_WEEK if you're really paranoid!).

Useful Resources

MasterCard Bin Table Listing API

The Bill Payment Validator service allows RPPS origination (payment sender) customers to identify if a potential RPPS transaction would process successfully before transmitting the formal payment transaction, reducing RPPS payment rejects and costly payment processing exceptions.

This API provides a range of functions to get back currency conversion rates and amounts based on current Mastercard currency conversion values.

The Locations API provides access to MasterCard's ATM and Merchant location database

Helps acquirers identify potentially high-risk merchants before entering to a merchant agreement.

Mastercard ABU API

This API provides our Issuer partners with resources to help resolve consumer queries about payment accounts enabled through our digitization platform.

API for Merchant Identifier

The Payment Account Reference Inquiry API is the unified Mastercard interface for allowing Mastercard Customers involved in payment card acceptance -- whether Merchants, Acquirers, or Digital Activity Customers (DACs) -- to enquire the PAR Vault for getting the PAR, when providing an Account Primary Account Number (PAN) linked to a digitized PAN.

This API provides content for financial instutions participating in Mastercard Personalized Offers to use in online and mobile banking applications for cardholders.

This API will provide monthly data which includes metrics such as sales volume and growth rate.

Open Banking - Payments initiation service

All about Numbers. REST access with json/xml/jsonp result support. Below is the documentation for the Numbers API. You can try them out right here. Find more information and subscribe at [math.tools](https://math.tools/api/numbers/)

2529 api specs