OpenAPI specification of DigitalNZ's Record API. For more information about the API see []( To learn more about the metadata/fields used in the API see the [Metadata Dictionary]( To get a sense of what content is available via the API take a look at the search feature on the [DigitalNZ website]( The [terms of use]( specify how developers can use the DigitalNZ API.
# Introduction The DigitalOcean API allows you to manage Droplets and resources within the DigitalOcean cloud in a simple, programmatic way using conventional HTTP requests. All of the functionality that you are familiar with in the DigitalOcean control panel is also available through the API, allowing you to script the complex actions that your situation requires. The API documentation will start with a general overview about the design and technology that has been implemented, followed by reference information about specific endpoints. ## Requests Any tool that is fluent in HTTP can communicate with the API simply by requesting the correct URI. Requests should be made using the HTTPS protocol so that traffic is encrypted. The interface responds to different methods depending on the action required. |Method|Usage| |--- |--- | |GET|For simple retrieval of information about your account, Droplets, or environment, you should use the GET method. The information you request will be returned to you as a JSON object. The attributes defined by the JSON object can be used to form additional requests. Any request using the GET method is read-only and will not affect any of the objects you are querying.| |DELETE|To destroy a resource and remove it from your account and environment, the DELETE method should be used. This will remove the specified object if it is found. If it is not found, the operation will return a response indicating that the object was not found. This idempotency means that you do not have to check for a resource's availability prior to issuing a delete command, the final state will be the same regardless of its existence.| |PUT|To update the information about a resource in your account, the PUT method is available. Like the DELETE Method, the PUT method is idempotent. It sets the state of the target using the provided values, regardless of their current values. Requests using the PUT method do not need to check the current attributes of the object.| |PATCH|Some resources support partial modification. In these cases, the PATCH method is available. Unlike PUT which generally requires a complete representation of a resource, a PATCH request is is a set of instructions on how to modify a resource updating only specific attributes.| |POST|To create a new object, your request should specify the POST method. The POST request includes all of the attributes necessary to create a new object. When you wish to create a new object, send a POST request to the target endpoint.| |HEAD|Finally, to retrieve metadata information, you should use the HEAD method to get the headers. This returns only the header of what would be returned with an associated GET request. Response headers contain some useful information about your API access and the results that are available for your request. For instance, the headers contain your current rate-limit value and the amount of time available until the limit resets. It also contains metrics about the total number of objects found, pagination information, and the total content length.| ## HTTP Statuses Along with the HTTP methods that the API responds to, it will also return standard HTTP statuses, including error codes. In the event of a problem, the status will contain the error code, while the body of the response will usually contain additional information about the problem that was encountered. In general, if the status returned is in the 200 range, it indicates that the request was fulfilled successfully and that no error was encountered. Return codes in the 400 range typically indicate that there was an issue with the request that was sent. Among other things, this could mean that you did not authenticate correctly, that you are requesting an action that you do not have authorization for, that the object you are requesting does not exist, or that your request is malformed. If you receive a status in the 500 range, this generally indicates a server-side problem. This means that we are having an issue on our end and cannot fulfill your request currently. 400 and 500 level error responses will include a JSON object in their body, including the following attributes: |Name|Type|Description| |--- |--- |--- | |id|string|A short identifier corresponding to the HTTP status code returned. For example, the ID for a response returning a 404 status code would be "not_found."| |message|string|A message providing additional information about the error, including details to help resolve it when possible.| |request_id|string|Optionally, some endpoints may include a request ID that should be provided when reporting bugs or opening support tickets to help identify the issue.| ### Example Error Response ``` HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden { "id": "forbidden", "message": "You do not have access for the attempted action." } ``` ## Responses When a request is successful, a response body will typically be sent back in the form of a JSON object. An exception to this is when a DELETE request is processed, which will result in a successful HTTP 204 status and an empty response body. Inside of this JSON object, the resource root that was the target of the request will be set as the key. This will be the singular form of the word if the request operated on a single object, and the plural form of the word if a collection was processed. For example, if you send a GET request to `/v2/droplets/$DROPLET_ID` you will get back an object with a key called "`droplet`". However, if you send the GET request to the general collection at `/v2/droplets`, you will get back an object with a key called "`droplets`". The value of these keys will generally be a JSON object for a request on a single object and an array of objects for a request on a collection of objects. ### Response for a Single Object ``` { "droplet": { "name": "" . . . } } ``` ### Response for an Object Collection ``` { "droplets": [ { "name": "" . . . }, { "name": "" . . . } ] } ``` ## Meta In addition to the main resource root, the response may also contain a `meta` object. This object contains information about the response itself. The `meta` object contains a `total` key that is set to the total number of objects returned by the request. This has implications on the `links` object and pagination. The `meta` object will only be displayed when it has a value. Currently, the `meta` object will have a value when a request is made on a collection (like `droplets` or `domains`). ### Sample Meta Object ``` { . . . "meta": { "total": 43 } . . . } ``` ## Links & Pagination The `links` object is returned as part of the response body when pagination is enabled. By default, 20 objects are returned per page. If the response contains 20 objects or fewer, no `links` object will be returned. If the response contains more than 20 objects, the first 20 will be returned along with the `links` object. You can request a different pagination limit or force pagination by appending `?per_page=` to the request with the number of items you would like per page. For instance, to show only two results per page, you could add `?per_page=2` to the end of your query. The maximum number of results per page is 200. The `links` object contains a `pages` object. The `pages` object, in turn, contains keys indicating the relationship of additional pages. The values of these are the URLs of the associated pages. The keys will be one of the following: * **first**: The URI of the first page of results. * **prev**: The URI of the previous sequential page of results. * **next**: The URI of the next sequential page of results. * **last**: The URI of the last page of results. The `pages` object will only include the links that make sense. So for the first page of results, no `first` or `prev` links will ever be set. This convention holds true in other situations where a link would not make sense. ### Sample Links Object ``` { . . . "links": { "pages": { "last": "", "next": "" } } . . . } ``` ## Rate Limit Requests through the API are rate limited per OAuth token. Current rate limits: * 5,000 requests per hour * 250 requests per minute (5% of the hourly total) Once you exceed either limit, you will be rate limited until the next cycle starts. Space out any requests that you would otherwise issue in bursts for the best results. The rate limiting information is contained within the response headers of each request. The relevant headers are: * **ratelimit-limit**: The number of requests that can be made per hour. * **ratelimit-remaining**: The number of requests that remain before you hit your request limit. See the information below for how the request limits expire. * **ratelimit-reset**: This represents the time when the oldest request will expire. The value is given in [Unix epoch time]( See below for more information about how request limits expire. As long as the `ratelimit-remaining` count is above zero, you will be able to make additional requests. The way that a request expires and is removed from the current limit count is important to understand. Rather than counting all of the requests for an hour and resetting the `ratelimit-remaining` value at the end of the hour, each request instead has its own timer. This means that each request contributes toward the `ratelimit-remaining` count for one complete hour after the request is made. When that request's timer runs out, it is no longer counted towards the request limit. This has implications on the meaning of the `ratelimit-reset` header as well. Because the entire rate limit is not reset at one time, the value of this header is set to the time when the _oldest_ request will expire. Keep this in mind if you see your `ratelimit-reset` value change, but not move an entire hour into the future. If the `ratelimit-remaining` reaches zero, subsequent requests will receive a 429 error code until the request reset has been reached. You can see the format of the response in the examples. **Note:** The following endpoints have special rate limit requirements that are independent of the limits defined above. * Only 12 `POST` requests to the `/v2/floating_ips` endpoint to create Floating IPs can be made per 60 seconds. * Only 10 `GET` requests to the `/v2/account/keys` endpoint to list SSH keys can be made per 60 seconds. * Only 5 requests to any and all `v2/cdn/endpoints` can be made per 10 seconds. This includes `v2/cdn/endpoints`, `v2/cdn/endpoints/$ENDPOINT_ID`, and `v2/cdn/endpoints/$ENDPOINT_ID/cache`. * Only 50 strings within the `files` json struct in the `v2/cdn/endpoints/$ENDPOINT_ID/cache` [payload]( can be requested every 20 seconds. ### Sample Rate Limit Headers ``` . . . ratelimit-limit: 1200 ratelimit-remaining: 1193 rateLimit-reset: 1402425459 . . . ``` ### Sample Rate Exceeded Response ``` 429 Too Many Requests { id: "too_many_requests", message: "API Rate limit exceeded." } ``` ## Curl Examples Throughout this document, some example API requests will be given using the `curl` command. This will allow us to demonstrate the various endpoints in a simple, textual format. These examples assume that you are using a Linux or macOS command line. To run these commands on a Windows machine, you can either use cmd.exe, PowerShell, or WSL: * For cmd.exe, use the `set VAR=VALUE` [syntax]( to define environment variables, call them with `%VAR%`, then replace all backslashes (`\`) in the examples with carets (`^`). * For PowerShell, use the `$Env:VAR = "VALUE"` [syntax]( to define environment variables, call them with `$Env:VAR`, then replace `curl` with `curl.exe` and all backslashes (`\`) in the examples with backticks (`` ` ``). * WSL is a compatibility layer that allows you to emulate a Linux terminal on a Windows machine. Install WSL with our [community tutorial](, then follow this API documentation normally. The names of account-specific references (like Droplet IDs, for instance) will be represented by variables. For instance, a Droplet ID may be represented by a variable called `$DROPLET_ID`. You can set the associated variables in your environment if you wish to use the examples without modification. The first variable that you should set to get started is your OAuth authorization token. The next section will go over the details of this, but you can set an environmental variable for it now. Generate a token by going to the [Apps & API]( section of the DigitalOcean control panel. Use an existing token if you have saved one, or generate a new token with the "Generate new token" button. Copy the generated token and use it to set and export the TOKEN variable in your environment as the example shows. You may also wish to set some other variables now or as you go along. For example, you may wish to set the `DROPLET_ID` variable to one of your Droplet IDs since this will be used frequently in the API. If you are following along, make sure you use a Droplet ID that you control so that your commands will execute correctly. If you need access to the headers of a response through `curl`, you can pass the `-i` flag to display the header information along with the body. If you are only interested in the header, you can instead pass the `-I` flag, which will exclude the response body entirely. ### Set and Export your OAuth Token ``` export DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN=your_token_here ``` ### Set and Export a Variable ``` export DROPLET_ID=1111111 ``` ## Parameters There are two different ways to pass parameters in a request with the API. When passing parameters to create or update an object, parameters should be passed as a JSON object containing the appropriate attribute names and values as key-value pairs. When you use this format, you should specify that you are sending a JSON object in the header. This is done by setting the `Content-Type` header to `application/json`. This ensures that your request is interpreted correctly. When passing parameters to filter a response on GET requests, parameters can be passed using standard query attributes. In this case, the parameters would be embedded into the URI itself by appending a `?` to the end of the URI and then setting each attribute with an equal sign. Attributes can be separated with a `&`. Tools like `curl` can create the appropriate URI when given parameters and values; this can also be done using the `-F` flag and then passing the key and value as an argument. The argument should take the form of a quoted string with the attribute being set to a value with an equal sign. ### Pass Parameters as a JSON Object ``` curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"name": "", "ip_address": ""}' \ -X POST "" ``` ### Pass Filter Parameters as a Query String ``` curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN" \ -X GET \ "" ``` ## Cross Origin Resource Sharing In order to make requests to the API from other domains, the API implements Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support. CORS support is generally used to create AJAX requests outside of the domain that the request originated from. This is necessary to implement projects like control panels utilizing the API. This tells the browser that it can send requests to an outside domain. The procedure that the browser initiates in order to perform these actions (other than GET requests) begins by sending a "preflight" request. This sets the `Origin` header and uses the `OPTIONS` method. The server will reply back with the methods it allows and some of the limits it imposes. The client then sends the actual request if it falls within the allowed constraints. This process is usually done in the background by the browser, but you can use curl to emulate this process using the example provided. The headers that will be set to show the constraints are: * **Access-Control-Allow-Origin**: This is the domain that is sent by the client or browser as the origin of the request. It is set through an `Origin` header. * **Access-Control-Allow-Methods**: This specifies the allowed options for requests from that domain. This will generally be all available methods. * **Access-Control-Expose-Headers**: This will contain the headers that will be available to requests from the origin domain. * **Access-Control-Max-Age**: This is the length of time that the access is considered valid. After this expires, a new preflight should be sent. * **Access-Control-Allow-Credentials**: This will be set to `true`. It basically allows you to send your OAuth token for authentication. You should not need to be concerned with the details of these headers, because the browser will typically do all of the work for you.
This page contains the documentation on how to use Discourse through API calls. > Note: For any endpoints not listed you can follow the [reverse engineer the Discourse API]( guide to figure out how to use an API endpoint. ### Request Content-Type The Content-Type for POST and PUT requests can be set to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, `multipart/form-data`, or `application/json`. ### Endpoint Names and Response Content-Type Most API endpoints provide the same content as their HTML counterparts. For example the URL `/categories` serves a list of categories, the `/categories.json` API provides the same information in JSON format. Instead of sending API requests to `/categories.json` you may also send them to `/categories` and add an `Accept: application/json` header to the request to get the JSON response. Sending requests with the `Accept` header is necessary if you want to use URLs for related endpoints returned by the API, such as pagination URLs. These URLs are returned without the `.json` prefix so you need to add the header in order to get the correct response format. ### Authentication Some endpoints do not require any authentication, pretty much anything else will require you to be authenticated. To become authenticated you will need to create an API Key from the admin panel. Once you have your API Key you can pass it in along with your API Username as an HTTP header like this: ``` curl -X GET "" \ -H "Api-Key: 714552c6148e1617aeab526d0606184b94a80ec048fc09894ff1a72b740c5f19" \ -H "Api-Username: system" ``` and this is how POST requests will look: ``` curl -X POST "" \ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" \ -H "Api-Key: 714552c6148e1617aeab526d0606184b94a80ec048fc09894ff1a72b740c5f19" \ -H "Api-Username: system" \ -F "name=89853c20-4409-e91a-a8ea-f6cdff96aaaa" \ -F "color=49d9e9" \ -F "text_color=f0fcfd" ``` ### Boolean values If an endpoint accepts a boolean be sure to specify it as a lowercase `true` or `false` value unless noted otherwise.
# Introduction Welcome to the dnd5eapi, the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition API! This documentation should help you familiarize yourself with the resources available and how to consume them with HTTP requests. Read through the getting started section before you dive in. Most of your problems should be solved just by reading through it. ## Getting Started Let's make our first API request to the D&D 5th Edition API! Open up a terminal and use [curl]( or [httpie]( to make an API request for a resource. You can also scroll through the definitions below and send requests directly from the endpoint documentation! For example, if you paste and run this `curl` command: ```bash curl -X GET "" -H "Accept: application/json" ``` We should see a result containing details about the Charisma ability score: ```bash { "index": "cha", "name": "CHA", "full_name": "Charisma", "desc": [ "Charisma measures your ability to interact effectively with others. It includes such factors as confidence and eloquence, and it can represent a charming or commanding personality.", "A Charisma check might arise when you try to influence or entertain others, when you try to make an impression or tell a convincing lie, or when you are navigating a tricky social situation. The Deception, Intimidation, Performance, and Persuasion skills reflect aptitude in certain kinds of Charisma checks." ], "skills": [ { "name": "Deception", "index": "deception", "url": "/api/skills/deception" }, { "name": "Intimidation", "index": "intimidation", "url": "/api/skills/intimidation" }, { "name": "Performance", "index": "performance", "url": "/api/skills/performance" }, { "name": "Persuasion", "index": "persuasion", "url": "/api/skills/persuasion" } ], "url": "/api/ability-scores/cha" } ``` ## Authentication The dnd5eapi is a completely open API. No authentication is required to query and get data. This also means that we've limited what you can do to just `GET`-ing the data. If you find a mistake in the data, feel free to [message us]( ## GraphQL This API supports [GraphQL]( The GraphQL URL for this API is ``. Most of your questions regarding the GraphQL schema can be answered by querying the endpoint with the Apollo sandbox explorer. ## Schemas Definitions of all schemas will be accessible in a future update. Two of the most common schemas are described here. ### `APIReference` Represents a minimal representation of a resource. The detailed representation of the referenced resource can be retrieved by making a request to the referenced `URL`. ``` APIReference { index string name string url string } ```
### `DC` Represents a difficulty check. ``` DC { dc_type APIReference dc_value number success_type "none" | "half" | "other" } ```
### `Damage` Represents damage. ``` Damage { damage_type APIReference damage_dice string } ```
### `Choice` Represents a choice made by a player. Commonly seen related to decisions made during character creation or combat (e.g.: the description of the cleric class, under **Proficiencies**, states "Skills: Choose two from History, Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion" [[SRD p15]]( ``` Choice { desc string choose number type string from OptionSet } ```
### `OptionSet` The OptionSet structure provides the options to be chosen from, or sufficient data to fetch and interpret the options. All OptionSets have an `option_set_type` attribute that indicates the structure of the object that contains the options. The possible values are `options_array`, `equipment_category`, and `reference_list`. Other attributes on the OptionSet depend on the value of this attribute. - `options_array` - `options` (array): An array of Option objects. Each item in the array represents an option that can be chosen. - `equipment_category` - `equipment_category` (APIReference): A reference to an EquipmentCategory. Each item in the EquipmentCategory's `equipment` array represents one option that can be chosen. - `resource_list` - `resource_list_url` (string): A reference (by URL) to a collection in the database. The URL may include query parameters. Each item in the resulting ResourceList's `results` array represents one option that can be chosen.
### `Option` When the options are given in an `options_array`, each item in the array inherits from the Option structure. All Options have an `option_type` attribute that indicates the structure of the option. The value of this attribute indicates how the option should be handled, and each type has different attributes. The possible values and their corresponding attributes are listed below. - `reference` - A terminal option. Contains a reference to a Document that can be added to the list of options chosen. - `item` (APIReference): A reference to the chosen item. - `action` - A terminal option. Contains information describing an action, for use within Multiattack actions. - `action_name` (string): The name of the action, according to its `name` attribute. - `count` (number | string): The number of times this action can be repeated if this option is chosen. - `type` (string = `"melee" | "ranged" | "ability" | "magic"`, optional): For attack actions that can be either melee, ranged, abilities, or magic. - `multiple` - When this option is chosen, all of its child options are chosen, and must be resolved the same way as a normal option. - `items` (array): An array of Option objects. All of them must be taken if the option is chosen. - `choice` - A nested choice. If this option is chosen, the Choice structure contained within must be resolved like a normal Choice structure, and the results are the chosen options. - `choice` (Choice): The Choice to resolve. - `string` - A terminal option. Contains a reference to a string. - `string` (string): The string. - `ideal` - A terminal option. Contains information about an ideal. - `desc` (string): A description of the ideal. - `alignments` (ApiReference[]): A list of alignments of those who might follow the ideal. - `counted_reference` - A terminal option. Contains a reference to something else in the API along with a count. - `count` (number): Count. - `of` (ApiReference): Thing being referenced. - `score_prerequisite` - A terminal option. Contains a reference to an ability score and a minimum score. - `ability_score` (ApiReference): Ability score being referenced. - `minimum_score` (number): The minimum score required to satisfy the prerequisite. - `ability_bonus` - A terminal option. Contains a reference to an ability score and a bonus - `ability_score` (ApiReference): Ability score being referenced - `bonus` (number): The bonus being applied to the ability score - `breath` - A terminal option: Contains a reference to information about a breath attack. - `name` (string): Name of the breath. - `dc` (DC): Difficulty check of the breath attack. - `damage` ([Damage]): Damage dealt by the breath attack, if any. - `damage` - A terminal option. Contains information about damage. - `damage_type` (ApiReference): Reference to type of damage. - `damage_dice` (string): Damage expressed in dice (e.g. "13d6"). - `notes` (string): Information regarding the damage. ## FAQ ### What is the SRD? The SRD, or Systems Reference Document, contains guidelines for publishing content under the OGL. This allows for some of the data for D&D 5e to be open source. The API only covers data that can be found in the SRD. [Here's a link to the full text of the SRD.]( ### What is the OGL? The Open Game License (OGL) is a public copyright license by Wizards of the Coast that may be used by tabletop role-playing game developers to grant permission to modify, copy, and redistribute some of the content designed for their games, notably game mechanics. However, they must share-alike copies and derivative works. [More information about the OGL can be found here.]( ### A monster, spell, subclass, etc. is missing from the API / Database. Can I add it? Please check if the data is within the SRD. If it is, feel free to open an issue or PR to add it yourself. Otherwise, due to legal reasons, we cannot add it. ### Can this API be self hosted? Yes it can! You can also host the data yourself if you don't want to use the API at all. You can also make changes and add extra data if you like. However, it is up to you to merge in new changes to the data and API. #### Can I publish is on
The Docker DVP Data API allows [Docker Verified Publishers]( to view image pull analytics data for their namespaces. Analytics data can be retrieved as raw data, or in a summary format. #### Summary data In your summary data CSV, you will have access to the data points listed below. You can request summary data for a complete week (Monday through Sunday) or for a complete month (available on the first day of the following month). There are two levels of summary data: - Repository-level, a summary of every namespace and repository - Tag- or digest-level, a summary of every namespace, repository, and reference (tag or digest) The summary data formats contain the following data points: - Unique IP address count - Pulls by tag count - Pulls by digest count - Version check count #### Raw data In your raw data CSV you will have access to the data points listed below. You can request raw data for a complete week (Monday through Sunday) or for a complete month (available on the first day of the following month). **Note:** each action is represented as a single row. - Type (industry) - Host (cloud provider) - Country (geolocation) - Timestamp - Namespace - Repository - Reference (digest is always included, tag is provided when available) - HTTP request method - Action, one of the following: - Pull by tag - Pull by digest - Version check - User-Agent
The Engine API is an HTTP API served by Docker Engine. It is the API the Docker client uses to communicate with the Engine, so everything the Docker client can do can be done with the API. Most of the client's commands map directly to API endpoints (e.g. `docker ps` is `GET /containers/json`). The notable exception is running containers, which consists of several API calls. # Errors The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of the API call. The body of the response will be JSON in the following format: ``` { "message": "page not found" } ``` # Versioning The API is usually changed in each release of Docker, so API calls are versioned to ensure that clients don't break. For Docker Engine 17.09, the API version is 1.32. To lock to this version, you prefix the URL with `/v1.32`. For example, calling `/info` is the same as calling `/v1.32/info`. Engine releases in the near future should support this version of the API, so your client will continue to work even if it is talking to a newer Engine. In previous versions of Docker, it was possible to access the API without providing a version. This behaviour is now deprecated will be removed in a future version of Docker. The API uses an open schema model, which means server may add extra properties to responses. Likewise, the server will ignore any extra query parameters and request body properties. When you write clients, you need to ignore additional properties in responses to ensure they do not break when talking to newer Docker daemons. This documentation is for version 1.33 of the API. Use this table to find documentation for previous versions of the API: Docker version | API version | Changes ----------------|-------------|--------- 17.09.x | [1.31]( | [API changes]( 17.07.x | [1.31]( | [API changes]( 17.06.x | [1.30]( | [API changes]( 17.05.x | [1.29]( | [API changes]( 17.04.x | [1.28]( | [API changes]( 17.03.1 | [1.27]( | [API changes]( 1.13.1 & 17.03.0 | [1.26]( | [API changes]( 1.13.0 | [1.25]( | [API changes]( 1.12.x | [1.24]( | [API changes]( 1.11.x | [1.23]( | [API changes]( 1.10.x | [1.22]( | [API changes]( 1.9.x | [1.21]( | [API changes]( 1.8.x | [1.20]( | [API changes]( 1.7.x | [1.19]( | [API changes]( 1.6.x | [1.18]( | [API changes]( # Authentication Authentication for registries is handled client side. The client has to send authentication details to various endpoints that need to communicate with registries, such as `POST /images/(name)/push`. These are sent as `X-Registry-Auth` header as a Base64 encoded (JSON) string with the following structure: ``` { "username": "string", "password": "string", "email": "string", "serveraddress": "string" } ``` The `serveraddress` is a domain/IP without a protocol. Throughout this structure, double quotes are required. If you have already got an identity token from the [`/auth` endpoint](#operation/SystemAuth), you can just pass this instead of credentials: ``` { "identitytoken": "9cbaf023786cd7..." } ```
Docker Hub is a service provided by Docker for finding and sharing container images with your team. It is the world's largest library and community for container images. In addition to the [Docker Hub UI]( and [Docker Hub CLI tool]( (currently experimental), Docker provides an API that allows you to interact with Docker Hub. Browse through the Docker Hub API documentation to explore the supported endpoints.
The Nookipedia API provides endpoints for retrieving *Animal Crossing* data pulled from the [Nookipedia wiki]( A couple of the key benefits of using the Nookipedia API is access to data spanning the entire *Animal Crossing* series, as well as information that is constantly updated and expanding as editors work on the wiki.
Access to the Nookipedia API requires obtaining a key. This is so we can manage our scale and provide better support for our users. To request access to the API, please fill out [this form](
This API is 'version 2' of our [original API]( While the previous API scraped information directly from the wiki, this new edition of the API pulls data from a structured and constrained database, resulting in higher-quality data, better searching, and support for filtering.
REST Web Services for DRACOON
This page provides an overview of all available and documented DRACOON APIs, which are grouped by tags.
Each tag provides a collection of APIs that are intended for a specific area of the DRACOON.
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Terms of service
This document is intended as a detailed reference for the precise behavior of the drchrono API. If this is your first time using the API, start with our tutorial. If you are upgrading from a previous version, take a look at the changelog section. # Authorization ## Initial authorization There are three main steps in the OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow: 1. Redirect the provider to the authorization page. 2. The provider authorizes your application and is redirected back to your web application. 3. Your application exchanges the `authorization_code` that came with the redirect for an `access_token` and `refresh_token`. ### Step 1: Redirect to drchrono The first step is redirecting your user to drchrono, typically with a button labeled "Connect to drchrono" or "Login with drchrono". This is just a link that takes your user to the following URL: - `REDIRECT_URI_ENCODED` is the URL-encoded version of the redirect URI (as registered for your application and used in later steps). - `CLIENT_ID_ENCODED` is the URL-encoded version of your application's client ID. - `SCOPES_ENCODED` is a URL-encoded version of a space-separated list of scopes, which can be found in each endpoint or omitted to default to all scopes. The `scope` parameter consists of an optional, space-separated list of scopes your application is requesting. If omitted, all scopes will be requested. Scopes are of the form `BASE_SCOPE:[read|write]` where `BASE_SCOPE` is any of `user`, `calendar`, `patients`, `patients:summary`, `billing`, `clinical` and `labs`. You should request only the scopes you need. For instance, an application which sends "Happy Birthday!" emails to a doctor's patients on their birthdays would use the scope parameter `"patients:summary:read"`, while one that allows patients to schedule appointments online would need at least `"patients:summary:read patients:summary:write calendar:read calendar:write clinical:read clinical:write"`. ### Step 2: Provider authorization After logging in (if necessary), the provider will be presented with a screen with your application's name and the list of permissions you requested (via the `scope` parameter). When they click the "Authorize" button, they will be redirected to your redirect URI with a `code` query parameter appended, which contains an authorization code to be used in step 3. If they click the "Cancel" button, they will be redirected to your redirect URI with `error=access_denied` instead. Note: This authorization code expires extremely quickly, so you must perform step 3 immediately, ideally before rendering the resulting page for the end user. ### Step 3: Token exchange The `code` obtained from step 2 is usable exactly once to obtain an access token and refresh token. Here is an example token exchange in Python: import datetime, pytz, requests if 'error' in get_params: raise ValueError('Error authorizing application: %s' % get_params[error]) response ='', data={ 'code': get_params['code'], 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'redirect_uri': '', 'client_id': 'abcdefg12345', 'client_secret': 'abcdefg12345', }) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() # Save these in your database associated with the user access_token = data['access_token'] refresh_token = data['refresh_token'] expires_timestamp = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=data['expires_in']) You now have all you need to make API requests authenticated as that provider. When using this access token, you'll only be able to access the data that the user has access to and that you have been granted permissions for. ## Refreshing an access token Access tokens only last 48 hours (given in seconds in the `'expires_in'` key in the token exchange step above), so they occasionally need to be refreshed. It would be inconvenient to ask the user to re-authorize every time, so instead you can use the refresh token like the original authorization to obtain a new access token. Replace the `code` parameter with `refresh_token`, change the value `grant_type` from `authorization_code` to `refresh_token`, and omit the `redirect_uri` parameter. Example in Python: ... response ='', data={ 'refresh_token': get_refresh_token(), 'grant_type': 'refresh_token', 'client_id': 'abcdefg12345', 'client_secret': 'abcdefg12345', }) ... # Webhooks In order to use drchrono API webhooks, you first need to have an API application on file (even if it is in Test Model). Each API webhook is associated with one API application, go to here to set up both API applications and webhooks! Once you registered an API application, you will see webhook section in each saved API applications. Create a webhook and register some events there and save all the changes, then you are good to go! ## Webhooks setup All fields under webhooks section are required. **Callback URL** Callback URl is used to receive all hooks when subscribed events are triggered. This should be an URL under your control. **Secret token** Secret token is used to verify webhooks, this is very important, please set something with high entropy. Also we will talk more about this later. **Events** Events is used to register events you want to receiver notification when they happen. Currently we support following events. Event name | Event description ---------- | ----------------- `APPOINTMENT_CREATE` | We will deliver a hook any time an appointment is created `APPOINTMENT_MODIFY` | We will deliver a hook any time an appointment is modified `PATIENT_CREATE` | We will deliver a hook any time a patient is created `PATIENT_MODIFY` | We will deliver a hook any time a patient is modified `PATIENT_PROBLEM_CREATE` | We will deliver a hook any time a patient problem is created `PATIENT_PROBLEM_MODIFY` | We will deliver a hook any time a patient problem is modified `PATIENT_ALLERGY_CREATE` | We will deliver a hook any time a patient allergy is created `PATIENT_ALLERGY_MODIFY` | We will deliver a hook any time a patient allergy is modified `PATIENT_MEDICATION_CREATE` | We will deliver a hook any time a patient medication is created `PATIENT_MEDICATION_MODIFY` | We will deliver a hook any time a patient medication is modified `CLINICAL_NOTE_LOCK` | We will deliver a hook any time a clinical note is locked `CLINICAL_NOTE_UNLOCK` | We will deliver a hook any time a clinical note is unlocked `TASK_CREATE` | We will deliver a hook any time a task is created `TASK_MODIFY` | We will deliver a hook any time a task is modified and any time creation, modification and deletion of task notes, associated task item `TASK_DELETE` | We will deliver a hook any time a task is deleted ## Webhooks verification In order to make sure the callback URL in webhook is under your control, we added a verification step before we send any hooks out to you. Verification can be done by clicking "Verify webhook" button in webhooks setup page. After you click the button, we will send a `GET` request to the callback URL, along with a parameter called `msg`. Please use your webhook's secret token as hash key and SHA-256 as digest constructor, hash the `msg` value with HMAC algorithm. And we expect a `200` JSON response, in JSON response body, there should be a key called `secret_token` existing, and its value should be equal to the hashed `msg`. Otherwise, verification will fail. Here is an example webhook verification in Python: import hashlib, hmac def webhook_verify(request): secret_token =, request.GET['msg'], hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() return json_response({ 'secret_token': secret_token })
is needed in
request header.
Try to set the secret_token
to something with high entropy, a good example could be taking the output of
ruby -rsecurerandom -e 'puts SecureRandom.hex(20)'
After this, you might want to verify all request headers you received on your server with this token.
# iframe integration
Some API apps provide additional functionality for interacting with patient data
not offered by drchrono, and can benefit by being incorporated into drchrono's
patient information page via iframe. We have created a simple API to make this
To make an existing API application accessible via an iframe on the patient
page, you need to update either "Patient iframe" or "Clinical note iframe" section in API management page,
to make the iframe to appear on (either the patient page or the clinical note page),
with the URL that the iframe will use for each page, and the height it should
have. The application will be reviewed before it is approved to ensure that it
is functional and secure.
## Register a Doctor
iframe applications will appear as choices on the left-hand menu of the patient
page for doctors registered with your application. To register a doctor with
your application, make a `POST` request to the `/api/iframe_integration`
endpoint using the access token for the corresponding doctor. This endpoint does not
expect any payload.
To disable your iframe application for a doctor, make a `DELETE` request to the
same endpoint.
## Populating the iframe
There are two places where the iframe can be displayed, either within the
patient detail page or the clinical note page, shown below respectively:
When requesting approval for your iframe app, you must specify a URL for one or
both of these pages which will serve as the base URL for your IFrame
contents. When a doctor views your iframe, the source URL will have various
query parameters appended to it, for example for the patient page the `src`
parameter of the IFrame will be:
``` allows users to share data from mobile, tablets, and pcs, and them to other devices and accounts across social media platforms. provides an API to access the different functionality of the service. Users can make REST calls to read and create dweets, lock and unlock things, and perform other calls. The API returns JSON and JSONP.
The Browse API has the following resources: item_summary: Lets shoppers search for specific items by keyword, GTIN, category, charity, product, or item aspects and refine the results by using filters, such as aspects, compatibility, and fields values. (Experimental) search_by_image: Lets shoppers search for specific items by image. You can refine the results by using URI parameters and filters. item: Lets you retrieve the details of a specific item or all the items in an item group, which is an item with variations such as color and size and check if a product is compatible with the specified item, such as if a specific car is compatible with a specific part. Provides a bridge between the eBay legacy APIs, such as Finding, and the RESTful APIs, which use different formats for the item IDs. (Experimental) shopping_cart: Provides the ability for eBay members to see the contents of their eBay cart, and add, remove, and change the quantity of items in their eBay cart. Note: This resource is not available in the eBay API Explorer. The item_summary, search_by_image, and item resource calls require an Application access token. The shopping_cart resource calls require a User access token.
Note: This is a (Limited Release) API available only to select developers approved by business units.
This API allows third-party developers to search for and retrieve details about eBay deals and events, as well as the items associated with those deals and events.